
Welcome to the 2019-2020 School Year!!

Greetings from the Counseling Department! We are excited for the new school year and can’t wait to work more with your students. The beginning of a new school year can be the start of a journey toward success if parents, students and teachers work together. Here are just a few suggestions for parents who want to help their child start the new school year right:

Getting to Know You...

Make time to get to know your child's teachers. Let the teachers know that you appreciate positive and negative feedback on your child's progress. Alert the teachers and counselors to anything out of the ordinary that's going on with your child or family. Make a point of meeting other school staff members: the principal, school secretary, bus driver, cafeteria staff and others who work at the school. The better you know the school and how it operates, the more likely your child will be to have a productive and positive school experience.

Students (and Parents) LOVE Routines

Develop a consistent pattern for getting ready for school, studying, and ending the day at home.

When you establish a regular routine at home, everyone can be happier and more successful!

  • Wake-up and bedtime should be the same for every school day.

  • For homework, discuss with your child what time of day would work best. Establish a study routine and find someplace quiet to study where students will not be interrupted. Everyone is different, some of us need a completely quiet room free of interruptions when we study, but others actually study better listening to quiet music in the background or taking several breaks. Do what works best for you but most importantly schedule time to study! Make sure you cell phones are turned off or not broadcasting notifications when studying to avoid distractions.

  • Make it a goal to always have your evening meal together as a family – it’s the perfect time to talk about your day and share your ups and downs.

Create High Expectations

To learn, students must believe that they can learn. As the parent, you are the most important adult in your child's life. Positive feedback has a lasting impact on your child's self-confidence. Be encouraging and praise your child for the amount of effort that is made for a project. Let your child know that trying hard and doing the best work possible is what counts.

Schools + Communities = SUCCESS

To be effective, schools need the support of parents and the community. Find out key dates during the year when there will be opportunities for you to participate in school events. Look for specific ways that you can support your child's school. Volunteers are always needed and appreciated. You may have an original creative idea to contribute!