


次世代AI博士人材フェローシップの募集について / 

Call for Applications: 

Hokkaido University EXEX Doctoral Fellowship and 

Next Generation AI Doctoral Fellowship

募集の概要/Outline of Application

■EXEX博士人材フェローシップ/EXEX Doctoral Fellowship

支援対象:博士(後期)課程学生/Eligible for Support : Doctoral course students of Hokkaido University

※詳細は募集要項を確認してください。/For details, please check the application guidelines.

<待遇/Support content>

・生活費相当額(年額216万円)/Research fellowship (2,160,000 yen per year, amount equivalent to living expenses)

・研究費(年額40万円+α)/Research expenses (400,000 yen per year + additional research expenses)

・キャリア開発・育成コンテンツの提供/Provision of career development and training content

義務(一部抜粋)/Duty (Partial Excerpt)

ジョブ型インターンシップへの登録(登録は必須ですが、参加は任意です)/Registration for the Cooperative Education through Research Internships (registration is required, but participation is voluntary)

・キャリア面談の受講(アカデミアや企業等、進路は問いません)/Participation in a career interview (any career path, including academia, companies, etc.)

・選択必修科目受講。新入生は2年次終了までに修得が確認できない場合は、研究奨励費が減額となる場合があります。/Participation in compulsory and compulsory elective courses. For the 1st year doctoral students, if the completion is not confirmed by the end of the 2nd year, the amount of research fellowship may be reduced.

※その他、募集要項を必ずご確認ください。/*Please be sure to check the application guidelines for other information.

次世代AI博士人材フェローシップ/Next Generation AI Doctoral Fellowship

支援対象:博士(後期)課程学生/Eligible for Support: Doctoral course students of Hokkaido University

※詳細は募集要項を確認してください。/For details, please check the application guidelines.

<待遇/Support content>

・生活費相当額(年額360万円)/Research fellowship (3,600,000 yen per year, amount equivalent to living expenses)

・研究費(年額30万円+α)/Research expenses (300,000 yen per year + additional financial support)

・キャリア開発・育成コンテンツの提供/Provision of career development and training content

<義務(一部抜粋)/Duty (Partial Excerpt)>
・データ駆動型融合研究創発拠点(D-RED)共同研究型インターンシップへの参加/Participation in the Collaborative Research Internship at the Data-Driven Interdisciplinary Research Emergence Department(D-RED)
・海外共修プログラムへの参加/Participation in the Overseas Co-Learning Program
※その他、募集要項を必ずご確認ください。/*Please be sure to check the application guidelines for other information.

募集要項/Application Guidelines



Call for Students Entering the Doctoral Course / Current Doctoral Students in April 2024
Call for Students Entering the Doctoral Course / Current Doctoral Students in October 2024
Call for Students Entering the Doctoral Course in April 2025 (Early Application) 

次世代AI / Next Generation AI


Call for Students Entering the Doctoral Course / Current Doctoral Students
in April 2024/October 2024 

EXEX次世代AI / Next Generation AI


Application Period: June 17 (Mon), 2024 - June 28 (Fri), 2024 5:00 p.m.




*In cases you cannot access the Google Form in spite of logging in with your ELMS account: If you use a different Google account on the same Internet browser, the history (cookies) of another account may be retained, which may cause login errors. In such cases, please log out from other Google accounts completely and try deleting the history (cookies) or accessing the form on a different Internet browser. 

1.募集要項を確認する / 1. Check the Application Guidelines

■EXEX博士人材フェローシップ/EXEX Doctoral Fellowship 

  ◆募集要項/Application Guidelines




P3 3. 申請要件 (6)四角内

「*入学料減免や授業料減免を受けている者、独立行政法人日本学生支援機構(JASSO)の奨学金(私費外国人留学生を対象とした学習奨励費を除く)、その他授業料に対する援助が目的の助成金を受けている者は、本フェローシップでは併給可能とします。ただし、現在受給している助成金の規則等で併給が認められない場合があるので、JASSO の奨学金を含め、必ず事前に確認してください。」

(6) in 3. Application Requirements in the application guidelines is modified as follows (strikeout text is now deleted).

+We have not modified the original file.

"*Applicants who are exempted from entrance fees or tuition fees, or who receive scholarships from the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) (excluding those who receive the Honors Scholarship for self-funded international students) or other grants for tuition assistance are eligible to apply. However, by the regulations of the grants including JASSO scholarships you are currently receiving, there may be cases where you are not allowed to receive other fellowships. Therefore, please make sure to check the regulations in advance."

 ※このフェローシップへの申請は、北海道大学大学院博士(後期)課程の入試への出願ではありません。大学院入試の詳細については各大学院へお問い合わせください/Application for this fellowship is not an application for admission to the doctoral courses of Hokkaido University. Regarding the entrance exam for the doctoral course, please ask each graduate school.



次世代AI博士人材フェローシップ/Next Generation AI Doctoral Fellowship 

  募集要項/Application Guidelines




P3 4. 申請要件 (6)四角内

「*入学料減免や授業料減免を受けている者、独立行政法人日本学生支援機構(JASSO)の奨学金(私費外国人留学生を対象とした学習奨励費を除く)、その他授業料に対する援助が目的の助成金を受けている者は、本フェローシップでは併給可能とします。ただし、現在受給している助成金の規則等で併給が認められない場合があるので、JASSO の奨学金を含め、必ず事前に確認してください。」

(6) in 4. Requirements in the application guidelines is modified as follows (strikeout text should be deleted).

+We have not modified the original file.

"*Applicants who are exempted from entrance fees or tuition fees, or who receive scholarships from the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) (excluding those who receive the Honors Scholarship for self-funded international students) or other grants for tuition assistance are eligible to apply. However, by the regulations of the grants including JASSO scholarships you are currently receiving, there may be cases where you are not allowed to receive other fellowships. Therefore, please make sure to check the regulations in advance." 

 成果物カテゴリーリスト(1-1a~1-3b)/List of Research Results Categories(1-1a~1-3b)


  次世代AI博士人材フェローシップリサーチアドバイザー候補教員一覧/List of Candidate Faculty for Research Advisor

 【日本語】/【ENG】 (6/7更新 / Updated on June 7)



2.EXEX次世代AI/Next Generation AI】本学の指導(予定)教員推薦書の提出依頼をする/ 2. Ask your (expected) supervisor of Hokkaido University to submit a recommendation letter.

指導(予定)教員の推薦書は全員提出必須です。/Recommendation letter from your (expected) supervisor is required for all applicants.

本フェローシップ申請に際し、本学の指導(予定)教員にあらかじめ了解を得るようにしてください。下記「5」の提出フォームより、指導(予定)教員が推薦書を提出します。/You must obtain the approval of your (expected) supervisor of Hokkaido University before applying for the fellowship. Your (expected) supervisor will submit the Google form in 5 below.

3.【EXEX次世代AI/Next Generation AI】研究計画書を作成する / 3. Create Research Proposal.

EXEX研究計画書/Research Proposal format


※ダウンロードし使用してください。/Please download the format.

(6/18追記/Added on June 18)



(Posted on June 18)

Regarding "1. Papers published in academic journals (including bulletin, review papers, etc.)" in [03] Self-assessment of ability to conduct research and research achievements in the research proposal format

In this section, since only peer-reviewed papers should be listed, "under peer-review" and "under submission" are synonymous. Therefore, please list your papers that have not been accepted yet as "under peer-review. For non-peer-reviewed papers, please list them in "7. Others".

加点対象の論文について/Regarding papers for which points will be added.



Please feel free to list any papers you wish to include as research achievements in your Research Plan, regardless of whether they are eligible for points or not.

As for papers for which points will be added, we will review the papers that peer-reviewed original papers that you have written as the first author (with an IF, already accepted, in any language) uploaded in the Application Form to determine whether they are taken into consideration in the selection.

※申請フォームにアップロードする際はPDFで提出すること。/Submit in PDF format when uploading it to the application form.

次世代AI/Next Generation AI研究計画書/Research Proposal format


※上記「1」に掲載している「成果物カテゴリーリスト(1-1a~1-3b)」をダウンロードの上、必ず参照すること。/Download and refer to the “List of Research Results Categories(1-1a~1-3b)” put on the above “1”.

※申請フォームにアップロードする際はPDFで提出すること。/Submit in PDF format when uploading it to the application form.

4.【EXEX次世代AI/Next Generation AI】申請フォームに必要事項を入力し、研究計画書等の提出書類をアップロードする。 / 4. Enter required information in the application form and upload the required documents such as the research proposal.

EXEX】と【次世代AI】とで申請フォームが異なります。両方のフェローシップに併願する場合は、両方の申請フォームに回答する必要があります。/The application forms for 【EXEX】 and 【Next Generation AI】 are different. If you are applying for both fellowships, you need to respond to both application forms.

EXEX申請フォーム/Application Form for EXEX

申請枠によってフォームが分かれているため、間違えないよう注意すること。審査対象外となる場合があります。/Be careful not to make a mistake, as the forms are divided according to the application quota. May not be included in the selection process if you submit to a wrong application form.

令和64月(新入生及び在学生)及び令和6年10月(在学生)申請フォームは北海道大学のELMSのGoogleアカウントが必要です。/ELMS Google Account required for application forms for April 2024 (new and current students) and October 2024 (current students)

※令和6年10月(新入生)及び令和7年4月(新入生)申請フォームは、Googleアカウントが必要です。/Google account required for application forms for October 2024 and April 2025 (new students).

下部にサンプルがあります。Samples are available below.

(6/19修正/Modified on June 19)

全ての申請フォームについて 4-2の文言を修正しました(取り消し線部分を削除)。


Question 4-2 in the application forms has been modified (strikeout text was deleted).

If you are or will be receiving a scholarship that does not allow for dual funding, will you decline the scholarship if you are selected for the fellowship? (Amount of the fellowship will not be adjusted for dual funding, and especially it has turned out that you cannot receive JASSO's Honors Scholarship and this fellowship at the same time and you must decline the Honors Scholarship if you receive this fellowship.)

EXEX令和6年4月(新入生)採用枠申請フォーム/Application form for Quota for April 2024 (for new students) 

※令和5年度以前に博士(後期)課程に入学した学生はこのフォームで申請できません/Students who entered the doctoral course in AY2023 and before can NOT use this form for application.

EXEX令和6年4月(在学生)採用枠申請フォーム/Application form for Quota for April 2024 (for current students) 

※令和5年度以前に博士(後期)課程に入学した学生はこのフォームで申請してください/Students who entered the doctoral course in AY2023 and before use this form for application.

EXEX令和6年10月(新入生)採用枠申請フォーム/Application form for Quota for October 2024 (for new students) 



As for quota for current doctoral students for October 2024, students will be selected from those who apply for quota for April 2024 and are not selected for it. We will fill vacancies and select students in October. Please submit the application form for quota for April 2024 (new or current doctoral students) only.

*In case you do not apply for April 2024 and wish to apply for October 2024 only, please contact us from the inquiry form below. We will inform you the URL for the application form individually. 

EXEX令和7年4月(新入生)採用枠申請フォーム/Application form for Quota for April 2025 (for new students) 

申請フォームサンプル/Application form samples

※下記はサンプルです、申請時にこれを提出しないでください。/Do not submit the file below for the application, it's a sample file.

(SAMPLE)令和6年4月(新入生)採用枠申請フォーム/Application form for Quota for April 2024 (for new students) 

(SAMPLE)令和6年4月(在学生)採用枠申請フォーム/Application form for Quota for April 2024 (for current students)

(SAMPLE)令和6年10月(新入生)採用枠申請フォーム/Application form for Quota for October 2024 (for new students) 

(SAMPLE)令和6年10月(在学生)採用枠申請フォーム/Application form for Quota for October 2024 (for current students) 

(SAMPLE)令和7年4月(新入生)採用枠申請フォーム/Application form for Quota for April 2025 (for new students) 

次世代AI/Next Generation AI申請フォーム/Application Form for Next Generation AI

Googleアカウントが必要です。/Google Account required.

次世代AI/Next Generation AI(令和6年度募集)次世代AI博士人材フェローシップ申請フォーム/(For FY2024) Next Generation AI Doctoral Fellowship Application Form

(6/19修正/Modified on June 19)

全ての申請フォームについて 下記の設問について文言を修正しました(取り消し線部分を削除)。


The following question in the application form has been modified (strikeout text was deleted).

If you are or will be receiving a scholarship that does not allow for dual funding, will you decline the scholarship if you are selected for the fellowship? (Amount of the fellowship will not be adjusted for dual funding, and especially it has turned out that you cannot receive JASSO's Honors Scholarship and this fellowship at the same time and you must decline the Honors Scholarship if you receive this fellowship.)

申請フォームサンプル/Application form sample

※下記はサンプルです、申請時にこれを提出しないでください。/Do not submit the file below for the application, it's a sample file.

(SAMPLE)(令和6年度募集)次世代AI博士人材フェローシップ用申請フォーム/(For FY2024)Next Generation AI Doctoral Fellowship Application Form

5.【EXEX次世代AI/Next Generation AI】指導教員が下部の推薦書フォームにて推薦書を提出する/Supervisor submit a recommendation letter with the form below.

EXEX次世代AI/Next Generation AI推薦書/Recommendation letter【教員向け/For Teaching Staff】

推薦書提出フォーム/Recommendation Letter Submission Form 

学生の申請前後問いません、提出期限は同様に6月28日(金)17時まで/Submission before a student's application is acceptable. The deadline is the same as the one for the student application, June 28, 2024, 5:00 p.m.


*Please access the submission form after logging in to your ELMS account (log in to ELMS in the SSO System, access "Google" that is displayed on the left side (Mail, Calendar, or Drive) and then you are now logged in to your ELMS Google account).




*In cases you cannot access the Google Form in spite of logging in with your ELMS account: If you use a different Google account on the same Internet browser, the history (cookies) of another account may be retained, which may cause login errors. In such cases, please log out from other Google accounts completely and try deleting the history (cookies) or accessing the form on a different Internet browser.

推薦書必要項目は下記サンプルをご確認ください。/ Please refer to the details of recommendation letter in the sample below.)

※下記はサンプルです、申請時にこれを提出しないでください。/Do not use it for the application, it's a sample file)

(SAMPLE)推薦書提出フォーム/Recommendation Letter Submission Form(アクセスにはELMS Googleアカウントが必要/ELMS Google account is required to access the sample.)

.【次世代AI/Next Generation AI】第1段階選抜合格者は、割り当てられリサーチアドバイザー候補教員へ受入内諾依頼をする / 6. Request acceptance from the assigned candidate faculty for research advisor for the 1st stage selection passers.



After the 1st stage selection of the Next Generation AI Doctoral Fellowship, based on the preferences of the research advisor faculty you selected from your first to third choices at the time of application, the fellowship operating committee will assign a research advisor faculty and notify the results to the 1st stage selection passers.

Before the 2nd stage selection, please contact the assigned research advisor faculty directly and obtain acceptance. Details will be notified to the 1st stage selection passers.

今後の募集時期について/Future Application Periods









This academic year, in addition to this call, we are also planning to call for applications in November for the following.

[EXEX] New and current students in April 2025, Early applications for April 2026 and October 2025

[Next Generation AI] New and current students in April and October 2025

The schedule of applications for the next academic year and beyond is as follows.


June Selection: Call for new and current students in October of the current year, Early application for new students in October of the next academic year

November Selection: Call for new and current students in April of the next academic year, Early application for new students in April of the academic year after next

[Next Generation AI]

November 2025 Selection: Call for new students in April 2026*

*We do not plan to call any further.

【6/17(月)17時開催】申請に関するオンライン説明会&トークセッション/Online Information & Talk Session Regarding Application, June 17, 5 pm

アーカイブURL/Archived video URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xp7F3XUoYoE

Q&A一覧/List of Q&A: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11qGuQYxl1OjcCyVNClfm6LSfcJ4AFTNM/view?usp=sharing

※説明会で使用した資料に一部訂正があります。動画内の資料を修正しましたのでご確認ください/Some corrections have been made to the PPT slide shared at the talk session. Please check them in the video.