SPS Sites

Teaching, Learning, and Support Resources

This collection of "Hubs" or websites have been designed to bring together resources and information around a common theme, need, or team. If you have information you would like to ensure all Sturgeon Public Staff can find, please let us know so we can link it in so everyone can find it!

Resources to Support Specific Events or Activites

Licenced: myBluePrint

Licenced: MediaSmarts

Licenced: Exambank

Licenced: Raz-Kids

Licenced: RCAT


Consortia: ERLC | ARPDC

These resources can also be found within the Hubs above or our shared Google Drives. They are highlighted here for quick access.

Common or Licenced External Sites to Support Education in Alberta

The first few links are to software suites Sturgeon Public Schools has purchased access too. For login information, check the Hubs or connect with your school Administration. The broad sites are here just for convenience. There are significantly more sites than these, but over the years, these have proven consistently useful for teachers and staff.