Indigenous Learning

Indigenous Learning

Billie Jo Grant

Dismantling Anti-Indigenous Racism

Monday, August 30 - 2:30pm to 3:30pm

Session hosted on this Zoom Link

Video call link: 



Billie Jo Grant

Host: Kerri Trombley


ᑕᐯᐧᐃᐧᐣ tapwewin: Dismantling Anti-Indigenous Racism

This introductory workshop will encourage educators to critically reflect on concepts such as systemic racism and assimilation.  Historical and contemporary examples of anti-Indigenous racism will be explored, and participants will be challenged to consider their own role in dismantling anti-Indigenous racism.  Educators will leave with a foundational understanding of anti-racism with a focus on Indigenous Peoples, and will also be equipped with suggested resources for further learning. Note that portions of this workshop may be difficult for some participants, particularly for Indigenous Peoples and/or those who have experienced racism.


Video call link: