
Welcome & PD

Agenda and Plan for August 30th, 2021 (UPDATE!)

All staff at Sturgeon Public Schools are invited to the Welcome Back 2021 on Monday, August 30th. This will occur in your school or place of work and Online.

Zoom Link

8:30am School Specific Meetings or PD

9:30am Division Wide Online Gathering
Greetings from the Board Chair, ATA President, and CUPE President, welcome to new staff in Sturgeon, Superintendent message

Wellness Break 10:15am – 10:30am

10:30am Keynote: Dwayne Donald

Site Conversations and Work 11:30am - 12:00pm

Lunch 12:00pm – 1:00pm

1:00pm Differentiation and Student Learning with UDL. Subject and Division Breakout Groups.

Wellness Break 2:15pm – 2:30pm

2:30pm Cohort, Teams, and Theme Based Sessions

Note: Staff should attend the Welcome Back and Professional Development at their assigned school or from their workspace in Central Office. Please check in with your school principal or supervisor for further details.

1:00pm to 2:15pm. Afternoon Sessions - UDL and Differentiation.

These PD Sessions will be larger groups defined by Grade, Subject, or Program. They are hosted by the excellent staff at ERLC and designed for classroom teachers and Educational Assistants.  They are scheduled to begin at 1:00pm on Zoom.


Tannis Niziol

A Feedback-Rich Classroom in Humanities 10-12 


Description Link


Janet Bell

Support all Learners with Google Read-Write and Jamboard


Description Link


Kelly Gibbs 

Differentiating Instruction for Literacy K-6


Description Link


Irene Heffel

A UDL Approach to Disciplinary Literacy K-12


Description Link


Stephanie Dodyk

Design for Language Learning K-12


Description Link


Adelee Penner

UDL in the CTS and Physical Education Classrooms


Description Link


Tammy Leslie

Differentiating Instruction for Mathematics 1-6


Description Link

1:00pm to 2:15pm. Afternoon Session - Office Administration.

This Professional Learning session is hosted by Tanya Sloan, SIS Specialist and is designed for School Office staff and staff who work with PowerSchool or Clevr.

Google Meet

Description Link

2:30pm to 3:30pm. Afternoon Sessions - Cohorts, Teams, and Specific PD

These PD sessions and Cohort meetings begin at 2:30pm and are scheduled for 1 hour. Session titles, leaders, hosts, and other details may change, please check on August 27.

Indigenous Learning 

Jerome Chabot

Métis History & Identity 

Google Meet

Description Link

Indigenous Learning

Billie Jo Grant

Dismantling Anti-Indigenous Racism

Zoom Link

Description Link

Literacy (K-3)

Monique Webb

Addressing Gaps in Literacy

Google Meet

Description Link


Lacey Brockhoff

Interactive Activities in Math 5 - 9

Google Meet

Description Link


Lee Taal, ChatterHigh

Create a buzz in careers? Mental Health & Wellness modules? A national competition that makes $ for schools!

Google Meet

Description Link

Education Technology

Adelee Penner

Hāpara Relit!


Description Link

Education Technology

Amanda Phillips

Passion is Contagious-Increase Student Engagement using Tech

Google Meet

Description Link


Lucas Case

I Got Skills (Skills Canada)

Google Meet

Description Link


Cheryl Tanouye

Creativity =Happiness

Google Meet

Description Link


Kyle Swenson

Re-Launching Music

Google Meet

Description Link

French Immersion

Alex Lessard

French Immersion Literacy Workshop

Google Meet

Description Link

Pre-K | Kindergarten 

Claire Hyland

800 hour Programming

Google Meet

Description Link

High School

John-Paul Leblanc

Starter Courses, Google Resources, and Collaboration

Google Meet

Description Link


Rita Raposo

Office Admin

Submit Questions Ahead HERE 

Google Meet

Description Link

Learning Commons

Debbie Filewich

Building Engaging Places.

Google Meet

Description Link

Learning Support

Michele Parker / Carina Chenoweth

Cohort: Counselors, Mental Health & Wellness Coaches

Google Meet

Description Link

Learning Support

Shelley Greenwood  / Nicole Farwell

Cohort: LSL, Learning Coaches

Google Meet

Description Link