
ChatterHigh and School Competitions

Lee Taal

Create a buzz in careers? Mental Health & Wellness modules? A national competition that makes $ for schools!

Monday, August 30 - 2:30pm to 3:30pm

Session hosted on Google Meet

Video call link: 



TEDx speaker and EdTech of the Year ChatterHigh Founder, Lee Taal, will inspire with his story and share research on how active exploration fosters hope in students and how this leads to the critical outcome of becoming adaptable in a changing world.  Learn how Gr 6-12 classes are participating in the national ‘Let’s Talk Careers: Canada’s Most Informed School’ Competition (starts Oct 25th) for a piece of the $50,000 prize pot.  Additionally, participants will discover engaging and self-marking learning modules for Mental Health & Wellness, as well as Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity.


Lee Taal and ChatterHigh

ChatterHigh is an online edu-game/quiz site that links students to career-training related websites, allowing them to research and explore higher education and career options. ChatterHigh incorporated in 2012, spread across British Columbia, and then Alberta in 2013, as a single person business. In 2015, Lee Taal, founder of ChatterHigh, raised funds from ‘angel investors’ that, along with revenue from participating institutions and provincial organizations, allowed him to grow the team. In September 2015 ChatterHigh went national with Canada’s first post-secondary and career exploration competition. In 2017, ChatterHigh was named the Canadian EdTech of the Year, and also became international, incorporating in the U.S.  

Since 2016, the NB Department of Post-secondary Education, Training and Labour, in partnership with the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, has participated in four provincial NB ChatterHigh competitions. In May 2018, the Canadian Career Development Foundation (CCDF) was commissioned to produce a report on the impact that ChatterHigh had on New Brunswick youth. The results were extremely positive and supported ChatterHigh as a best practice for building engagement in career, post-secondary and labour market information exploration.  This research was published in a journal in Asia in the spring, 2019.

In 2020, prior to the pandemic, ChatterHigh launched their ‘Mindful Modules’ feature. This leveraged the research-proven ‘seek and find’ system of the daily quiz into use for other topics beyond career exploration.  Mental Health & Wellness modules were designed in partnership with a large school district in BC, and adapted for use in each Province and made freely available.  This fall, new learning modules on Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity will also be provided for schools to use at no cost.

Since partnering with Skills/Compétences Canada and Let’s Talk Science (a non-profit focused on building awareness of STEM occupations), the national competitions have grown considerably.  $50,000 in prizes will be won by schools and students in the ‘Most Informed’ Competitions that will run Oct 25 – Dec 3, 2021, and April 11 – May 20, 2022


ChatterHigh Video: 

The Most Important Course in High School | Lee Taal | TEDxEdmontonED

Video call link: