Hapara Relit

Hapara Relit

Adelee Penner

Hapara Relit

Monday, August 30 - 2:30pm to 3:30pm

Session hosted on Zoom

Video call link: https://zoom.us/j/99981971274?pwd=WDJXREJyWVJuQ0x0MXFQQzU2M1czUT09 



Let's relight the fire for Hapara in SPS. Come ready to bring back the fire that we started for Hapara with your colleagues. Be ready to hear about updates and new developments to the Hapara platform, how we are thinking about using the platform to move forward with our SPS learning goals, and to have your questions answered (and the summer cobwebs dusted off). See you there!


Adelee Penner comes to ERLC having most recently served as an Assistant Superintendent of Schools. Adelee started her career in Manitoba and moved to Alberta in 2005. Her career has evolved over the years through working in several school jurisdictions, in both the private and public system, and from working for Alberta Education supporting school systems in Field Services. Adelee is a passionate lifelong learner. Using the provocation from Seth Godin, "When was the last time you did something for the first time?", Adelee works with others to create a culture for learning that is comfortable taking risk, trying new things and considers alternate perspectives.


Website: https://app.hapara.com/classes/my 

Video call link: https://zoom.us/j/99981971274?pwd=WDJXREJyWVJuQ0x0MXFQQzU2M1czUT09 


Feedback is important to us, and helps keep our standards high.  We kindly ask that time be given for participants to complete a short 4-question survey, accessible at the following link: https://www.erlc.ca/programs/district-day-survey/?code=21-DD-SSD-AP-292