Universal Supports in Google

Online Learning

Monique Webb

Universal Supports for Google Classroom 

Friday, April 23 · 12:30 – 1:30pm

Google Meet joining info

Video call link: https://meet.google.com/umr-cjth-yxj 


We know that we can’t recreate our classrooms online and we know that lots of critical things are missing when we have to teach virtually. But what if we could find a new way to include them? Our classrooms are full of great universal supports for our students. They have become so much a part of what we do we don’t even realize how important they are until they are no longer there.  We can’t forget to all the great things we do for universal supports in person also need to be done online. All those amazing things we do disappear when we go online but I have learned this year that it is possible to recreate them in our virtual classrooms. Bonus is... it's pretty easy too. 


Video call link: https://meet.google.com/umr-cjth-yxj 

Slide Deck: Google Slidedeck Link


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