Design for Language Learning K-12

Stephanie Dodyk

Design for Language Learning K-12

Monday, August 30 - 1:00pm to 2:15pm

Session hosted on Zoom

Video call link: https://zoom.us/j/96680619782?pwd=REJnZjhucXBaQnJQYUZXM0p2cUU1UT09 



While there is a tendency to group English language learners into one category, there is still a great deal of diversity among them.  Students may be just starting to add English and Canada to their linguistic and cultural repertoires, or they may have been on this journey for a number of years.  Many Canadian-born students who speak a language, or languages, other than English at home are also considered English learners, and have different proficiencies than those who are foreign-born.  Therefore, there is a great deal of variability in terms of the language English learners bring with them in order to understand content and complete learning tasks.

This session looks at how to design lessons with language in mind.  We will be looking at three main areas where teachers can have the most impact on supporting our language learners and developing language:  Making input comprehensible; providing support for language production and interaction; and providing feedback and opportunities to practice.


Stephanie Dodyk is a Language Consultant with over 15 years experience in teaching and resource roles.  After completing a Bachelor of Education degree in Secondary Mathematics and a Bachelor of Arts degree in German Literature, Stephanie later went on to finish a Master of Education specializing in Teaching English as an Additional Language. In her work, Stephanie continually reflects on her journey of identity development and language learning while growing up as a second-generation Canadian and how it relates to students who are now adding English and Canada to their linguistic and cultural repertoires. She is passionate about the empowering impact language and story have on building community. Her practice focuses on embracing the rich stories students bring with them as they add English to their learning journey and empowering educational professionals to hear them.


Video call link: 

Zoom link:  https://zoom.us/j/96680619782?pwd=REJnZjhucXBaQnJQYUZXM0p2cUU1UT09

Meeting ID:  966 8061 9782

Passcode:  223019


Feedback is important to us, and helps keep our standards high.  We kindly ask that time be given for participants to complete a short 4-question survey, accessible at the following link: https://erlc.ca/programs/district-day-survey/?code=21-DD-SSD-SD-287