
Central Management

Sturgeon Public is moving to a centrally managed system for all iPads in our division. This will allow for easier deployment of Apps and ensure the technology is working to support student learning. This also presents and opportunity for us to create some consistency in usage and encourage teachers to collaborate more on how to support students with iPads. Part of this transition will also see certain standard apps installed at each grade level. These apps should be considered and talked about in the Ed Tech Cohort to ensure we are using the best apps for the right learning activity.

Management Process and App Requests

SPS iPad Management Reference Guide.pdf

Standard App List

K-3 Standard iPad Apps - Feb24.pdf

External Lists and Support

There are many sites that maintain lists of Educational Apps of iPad. One of the best is Commonsense.org. Just put in the grade, subject and select "iPad". Here are a few searches done for you: