Division Software

Division Wide Licenses for 2023-2024

Education Programs

Raz-Kids (K to 4)

This literacy support program is available for all students in Sturgeon Schools for Kindergarten to Grade 4. Vice-Principals will be provided with an email contact at Learning A-Z. Vice-Principals can then work directly to ensure teachers and students have access. Our Education Technology Lead can also provide login and management support.

Information Links

Mathletics (Gr 2 to 9)

This numeracy support program is available for all students in grades 2 to 9. Vice principals will be provided with an email contact at 3plearning. Principals can then work directly to ensure teachers and students have access. Our Education Technology lead can also provide login and management support.

Information Links


All schools have logins for Exambank. This system allows students to login and review material by unit or year in a test-like environment. There is an administration and student logins for each school. These logins do cost per student use, so it will be important to use them at the right time in preparing for assessments. Our Education Technology lead has the login information for each school.

Information Links

Read and Write

This tool from TextHelp will continue to be available for all division logins. The tool set allows for students to have text read to them from anything online. It also allows speech to text and offers a variety of other text accessibility tools. Students and teachers logged into Google with @edu.sturgeon.ab.ca accounts can access these excellent text accessibility tools while online.

Information Links

MyBluePrint (Gr 7 to 12)

All junior high and high school students and staff will continue to have access to this education and career planner. This includes goal setting and portfolio building for students. Staff are encouraged to login to this site early in the year and then work with students to build academic goals and evidence of their work in the portfolio tool. Logins are also tied to students' active directory accounts or their “@sturgeon.ab.ca” account.

Information Links

Reading Comprehension Assessment Tool - RCAT (Gr 5 - 9)

The RCAT is an online tool for teachers that provides access to secure reading comprehension assessments. It offers all teachers access to three tests each for grades 3 to 12. Teachers can review all passages and questions and have access to the metadata for each passage, including the genre, a quantitative description, and qualitative description.

Information Links

Mathology (K to 6)

Mathology.ca contains carefully-curated K-6 lessons and readiness tasks that: are curriculum-focused, are engaging, support differentiation by helping teachers identify next steps in math learning, are perfect for at-home and on-line or virtual school use, and provide short Professional Learning videos to support teachers in the moment.

Information Links


This suite of tools is accessible to all students and staff. It provides organization support for students through their dashboard, management of online activities for teachers through a teachers dashboard, and facilitates visible learning through Workspaces. Teachers can also manage Google files and connect to Google Classrooms.

Information Links


(no longer paid for at the Division Level)

Based on feedback from School Administration and considering usage statistics, the division has decided to not renew our licenses for the following software or platforms in 2023/2024: