Understanding AI

A Supportive Approach

Within Sturgeon Public Schools we believe in helping students and staff to understand when and how to effectively use AI and when it shoul not be part of learning. Before using in your practice or with students, please ensure you have read AP870, Exhibit 1 for Staff and Exhibit 2 for Students.

Research and Guides

Stanford University recently hosted an AI+ Education Summit, which found four areas AI can support education and four areas to be concerned about with AI and teaching. Their findings are summarized below.

Other Sturgeon AI Support

AI's Potential

Risks with AI

Information from TeachAI








Want to learn more about AI?

From TeachAI.org

Establishing School-Based Practices

AI Use in Schools - Policies

Other Guides and Resources

Ai Guidance for Schools Toolkit (November 1, 2023)

Artificial Intelligence in Education (August 29, 2023)

Free Resources to Explore and Use ChatGPT and AI (June 14, 2023)

ChatGPT and Beyond: How to Handle AI in Schools (February 14, 2023)