Health Services

It is District Policy that all medications are given by the school nurse. No student may carry any medication without prior approval by the nurse.

The nurse needs to be informed of any acute or chronic health condition that your child may develop during the school year.

Height, weight, vision and hearing screenings will be conducted throughout the year by the school nurse and parents will be notified of any referrals. Please keep us informed so we can keep your child safe and healthy.

Sign and return the Procedures for Administration of Medications form which can be found on the Health Office Tab of the Wycallis website. Once there, scroll down to the forms, and click on what you need.

The PA Department of Health has updated their requirements regarding immunizations. Information about all of the changes can be found on the Health Office Tab of the Wycallis Webpage.

The School Health Law requires that each student entering grades 1, 6 and 11 be required to have a physical examination performed by either the school doctor or your private physician. Students entering grades 1, 3, and 7 are required to have a dental examination performed by either the school dentist or your private physician.

The nurse's direct phone number at the Wycallis Primary Center is 570-675-5201 ext. 5281. Her email address is