Dress Code

Student dress should be safe, modest, and healthy and may not cause disruption or distract from the educational process. Clothing, which advertises cigarettes, alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, includes sexual references or promotes illegal activities is never allowed. Avoid clothing with violent, obscene or disrespectful words or symbols. Avoid clothing with negative statements about religions, racial groups, school or homework. Exposed undergarments are not permitted. Shorts, dresses and skirts need to be mid thigh length or longer. Clothing must be sized to fit and fully cover a child’s stomach, back and chest.

Keep in mind that children have daily outdoor recess and need to dress in appropriate clothing and shoes. Hats, mittens and warm jackets are needed on cold, winter days.

Please avoid sending your child to school in dark-soled shoes or sneakers, which make marks on tile or wood floors.

Some popular footwear, like flip-flops, crocs, slides and platform shoes, are hazardous on the playground and in the halls. To avoid injuries, parents should not allow their student to wear unsafe shoes. Please Do Not send your child to school with flip-flops.

Please read the Board Policy #221 on dress which can be found on the main District Website under the School Board tab, and then clicking DSD Policies.

This policy will be enforced for elementary students. If it is determined that a student’s dress does not conform to the dress code, the student will be sent to the nurse’s office until the parent brings acceptable clothing for the day.