Bus Transportation

To provide safe and orderly bus transportation, it is essential for students and parents to conform to the following regulations and conduct expectations.

            1.  Students are to be at their designated stop at approximately 10-15 minutes before the bus is expected to arrive.

           2.   Students will board the bus in a single line and in an orderly manner.

           3.   Students will ride their assigned buses and get on and off their bus at their designated stops.  This is mandatory.  Requests for temporary or permanent bus changes must be approved by the main office. Changes are not made instantly as new stops need to be determined, information must be changed in the student information management system and the transportation contractor and bus drivers must be informed. Please give at least 3 days lead time on transportation changes.

**Do not assume that a child can ride another bus with a friend. Several buses are scheduled with maximum loads.  Requests to ride another bus home with a friend may be denied to avoid overcrowding. If you have questions, call the Wycallis office at 570-674-7283 to speak with Mrs. Wosik. You can also email her at lwosik@dsdhs.com.

            4.    Students who ride the bus in the morning are to go home on the bus in the evening unless:      

                         a.  Students have a scheduled school activity.

                         b. Parents have given written permission to be released for parent pick up.         

                         c. Parents have prearranged for early dismissal. 

            5.     The bus driver shall enforce social and safety standards on the bus and shall report all violations of bus conduct to the Building Principal.  Failure to follow rules may result in a bus suspension.

             6.     The standard procedure is for bus drivers not to let elementary students off of the bus unless there is an adult visible at the bus stop to receive them. In the event that there is not an adult at the bus stop, the bus driver will contact the school office and continue their route. School personnel will attempt to reach the parents and students will be returned to the school office so parents can pick them up. 

            7.     Students must:

                         a. Wait for the bus to come to a complete stop before trying to board. If students must cross  the road, they must wait for the driver to signal them across. 

                         b.  Students must stay in their seats until the bus has come to a full and complete stop.  In addition, students must remain in their seats while the bus is parked in front of the school in the morning until dismissed by the driver.  Drivers are urged to assign seats to promote order and safety.

                          c.   Use handrails.

                          d.   Take care of bus seats and equipment.

                          e.  Keep head and arms inside the bus.

                           f.  No eating and/or drinking on the bus.

                           g. Talk in quiet voices. No yelling.

                           h. Follow directions from the bus driver the first time they are given.