Our Sin Pattern

A progression of how we become deceived by Satan's lies 

Drawn from the book: "Lies Women Believe And The Truth That Sets Them Free" by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

In the book, "Lies Women Believe and the Truth that Sets Them Free," Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth describes a pattern of deception that leads to spiritual bondage. Here is a fleshed-out progression of this sin pattern, incorporating biblical insights and Bible verses for each point:

1. Listen to the Lie

Deception begins when we entertain thoughts or ideas that are contrary to God's truth. Just as Eve listened to the serpent in the Garden of Eden, we too are susceptible to hearing and considering lies.

Bible Verses:

2. Dwell on the Lie

After hearing the lie, the next step is to dwell on it, allowing it to take root in our minds. When we repeatedly think about the lie, it starts to seem more plausible and acceptable.

Bible Verses:

3. Believe the Lie

Once we have listened to and dwelled on the lie, we may start to believe it. Belief in the lie is a crucial turning point because it shapes our perceptions, convictions and motivations.

Bible Verses:

4. Act on the Lie

Beliefs produce behavior. When we believe lies, our actions will reflect those false beliefs. Acting on lies leads us further away from God's truth and righteousness.

Bible Verses:

5. Spiritual Bondage (Stronghold)

Persistent belief in and acting on lies lead to spiritual bondage. Strongholds are established in our minds and hearts, making it difficult to break free without God's intervention.

"Every area of bondage in our lives can be traced back to a lie." - Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth 

Bible Verses:

By recognizing this progression and applying biblical truth, we can combat the lies of the enemy and walk in the freedom that God provides.