Lectio Divina

Latin for "sacred reading," divine reading", or "holy reading"

Lectio Divina is a means of reading the Bible to encourage a transforming encounter with God.

Meditating on God's Word

"Seek in reading and you will find in meditation; knock in prayer and it will be opened to you in contemplation." - John of the Cross (16th Century)

“A lover who is separated from the beloved doesn’t let a love letter just sit on the kitchen table unopened for days on end with the ever-growing pile of junk mail, but instead quickly and eagerly opens it upon its arrival, reading and rereading it until the ink is nearly worn off from use. Scripture is a love letter from our Divine Bridegroom, and like the saints, we too should eagerly and often read the Scriptures and there hear the voice of our Beloved speaking to us.” - Author Tim Gray, Praying Scriptures for a Change: an Introduction to Lectio Divina

To begin this spiritual practice, when doing it with a group, you could say: "Let's close our eyes, quiet our hearts and be attentive to the movement of the Spirit of God, as we partake of His Word and allow it to do its work inside us."

Lectio Divina: Read > Meditate > Pray > Rest

1. LECTIO > Read The Bible Bible Passage

In this first read, listen to a word or phrase that stands out to you and touches your heart. 

Q: What does the biblical text say in itself? What is one word or phrase Holy Spirit is impressing on me?

Read the Scripture passage, you have chosen, slowly but out loud, several times. Let the words sink in deeply. Open your mind and heart to the meaning of the words. Watch out for a word or phrase that jumps out on you. From here on, in the steps below, focus on that word or phrase. 

If you choose to journal your lectio divina, write down the word or phrase and continue to add material you've gotten from the other steps. 

2. MEDITATIO > Meditate On A Word Or Phrase 

In the second read, hold the word or phrase in your mind and ask where God is using it to touch your life, right now. It may be a memory, thought, or emotion/feeling that comes up for you around that word/phrase. What does God have to say about it?

Q: What does this word or phrase say to me? What specific situation in my life does this relate to, today? 

Reflect on the word or phrase from the passage. Think deep thoughts. Ask yourself questions. Try journaling about the insights gained with meditation.

3. ORATIO > Pray Out Of The Word Or Phrase (and from any ensuing revelation you have received)

In the third read, consider what response God is inviting you into, in the word or phrase He has highlighted and the revelation that has come through it. It may be an action, an inner decision, a new awareness, or a spark of creative inspiration. Silently talk to God about that invitation, listen to Him and respond to Him.

Q: What is His personal invitation to me?  What do I say to the Lord in response to what He is saying to me? 

Move into the heart of the matter. Feel deep feelings and express your intimate self to God in your own personal way.

4. CONTEMPLATIO > Rest In God And In The Truth Of His Revelation

Let go of all your past thoughts, ideas, and plans related to the issue or situation that came up. In its place, rest in God and the truth of His revelation. Be still before Him, feel His reassuring presence and yield to His ways.

Q: Will I confidently trust in God as I step into this personal invitation?  Will I rest in God's abiding love?

Simply rest in the presence of God. Be passive and just enjoy God. Settle into the tenderness of God's love. Seize from striving by entering into the peace of God.  

LECTIO DIVINA Reference Image to download & keep in your smartphone/laptop (right click and "Save As")

Some Good Verses & Passages To Get You Started Using This Spiritual Practice

Remember that the Bible is loaded with many more of these. This is a very short list! Let God guide you to new verses and passages to use with Lectio Divina. 

Bible Verses (1-2):

Some Short Passages: