Sharing My Testimony

15-Second Testimony As A Framework

Think of the “15-Second Testimony” as a framework that allows you to expand your testimony based on the context. Sometimes, you'll only have 15 seconds to share because people are in a hurry. Other times, you might have 30 seconds, a minute, or even several minutes if the listener shows more interest. Mastering your 15-second testimony provides a structure you can build on to create longer testimonies as needed.

15-Second Testimony Training Videos

Other Types Of Testimonies To Share

The 15-second testimony is designed for people on the go who may not have time to listen for long. However, think of this short format as the framework of your full testimony. There will be times when people are more interested and willing to hear more details, giving you more time. You can build on the 15-second testimony by adding more details as the listener allows. Practice telling your testimony in various lengths: 15 seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute, 3 minutes, 5 minutes, and even longer. Be prepared for any scenario, as those who want more depth will appreciate it. Regularly reflect on and practice sharing your testimony in different time frames. Below are resources to help you delve deeper into your testimony.    

Your Testimony Can Be...