What is a Disciple?


A disciple is someone who is following Jesus, being changed by Jesus (to become more like Him), and committed to Joining  Jesus' Ongoing Mission in the World. - (see video: What is a Disciple?)

This definition of a disciple is based on Jesus' invitation to Peter and Andrew in Mark 1:17 ESV: "And Jesus said to them, 'Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men.'" 

In this single verse (Mark 1:17 ESV), we find the three key elements of what it means to be a disciple:

Using Pete Scazzero's definition of a disciple, we can expand on this definition:

Other definitions to the question about, "What is a disciple?"

If you’re a Christian, you are a disciple of Jesus. And by necessity, a disciple undergoes discipline. If a disciple is a student, then discipline is training. Jesus’ discipline for you, however severe (and it is severe at times), is not God’s wrath against you. If you are tempted to believe that, don’t. It’s your unbelief or the enemy talking to you. When Jesus became sin for you (2 Corinthians 5:21), He removed all of sin’s condemnation from you (Romans 8:1).

No! Discipline is training. Training in what? Training in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16). The unique training course that Jesus has designed for you (He designs a unique course for each disciple) has one great aim: to teach you to trust Him in everything. That’s His goal for you. Jesus wants you to learn to trust in Him in all things at all times. For the more you trust Jesus, the holier you become. 

- Jon Bloom