Three Healing Encounters in Three Days

New Orleans Outreach Story

Ginger on the first day

Ginger taking first steps

The first night, David Kim and Romain met a young man named Ladon, pushing his mother, Ginger, in a wheelchair. We learned that Ginger and her son became homeless after a problematic spinal surgery caused her to lose most leg function and could no longer work. Ladon asked for money to stay in a shelter that night, which the team members gave to him. Although reluctant to receive prayer at first, Landon eventually shared that he had tooth and head pain. After commanding the nerves in her back to functional normally in the name of Jesus, Ladons’s head pain reduced and Ginger gained some feeling, strength and movement in her ankle and legs. She said that her legs started tingling and were warm for the first time in a long time. Both were thankful and shocked, but God had even more in store for them!

Later that night, Annice and Anna had a second encounter with this precious mother and son. They learned Ladon’s toothache had completely disappeared and continued to pray for full healing for both of them.

Three days later, a larger group of Dschool students found them outside our hotel and asked to pray for Ginger’s continued healing. When Ginger began to move her feet, her awestruck son joined the prayer and began crying as the Holy Spirit touched him. He shared another prayer request: he wanted a sign from God. As  we prayed for him, Ginger decided to try testing her legs. The group broke down laughing and crying with joy as Ginger, holding Romain‘s and her son’s hands for support, began taking steps--this from the woman who couldn’t barely move her foot a few days before! You can see Ginger walking in this video.

God had immediately answered Ladon’s prayer and given him a powerful sign of his love. Ladon was full of spiritual questions and wonder and began to proclaim “God can do it!” whenever challenge came up. The conversation continued with much joy, encouragement, and Spirit-guided responses to Ladon’s spiritual questions. Please pray that God will continue to work in them to bring further healing, good housing, stable work and a great church. We said farewell with overflowing faith and hope for their future.