Bangladesh: It's About Love

A Missions Documentary

From The Mission Field

The Gateway District Initiative was undertaken to assist the amazing church-planting work of Pastor Benjamin Mondal and his pastors in this strategic South Asian country. Against all odds and frequent persecution, the love of Jesus is winning hearts and bringing hope, dignity and freedom – even to those deemed "untouchable."

Questions To Ponder And Share About After Watching This Missions Documentary

  1. How did God reveal His call to missions to Pastor Benjamin Mondal?

  2. What were the challenges in discovering the nature of the call to missions and the type of missions work to be done in Bangladesh?

  3. How did the issues and problems faced by the various ethnic groups dictate the ministry focus? How did the ministry and outreach focus change over time? Why?

  4. What have been the mental, emotional, spiritual, and familial costs to these pastors in mission?

  5. What positive things did the foreign missionaries learn from these local ministers?

  6. What new strategies and methods helped set up effective long-term impact for this group of pastors/leaders in this nation?

  7. What impacted you most about the work being done in Bangladesh?