END TIME Prayer of the Saints

a devotional prayer

a prayer over the church, to grow into its calling, purpose, and mission

SUPREMACY of Jesus Established in the Saints

SAMPLE PRAYER: You are above and beyond anything created, supreme in all things. May the saints come to know You, as Lord over all creation for all things were created by You and through You have their their being. Nothing is impossible for You. Nothing can thwart Your plans. Everything is under Your control.

His Supremacy

His Worth

His Beauty

UNITY in the Body of Christ

SAMPLE PRAYER: May Your people honor and respect each other, and work together as one. May the world know that we are your disciples by our love. 

BRIDE OF CHRIST IDENTITY Fueling the End Time Prayer & Worship Movement

SAMPLE PRAYER: May The Church come to a deeper understanding of its identity as the Bride of Christ and of Jesus Christ as the Bridegroom, who loved her and gave Himself for her, to sanctify her.  May we too, flowing out of this identity, love The Church and the lost with an authentic, transforming love. 

DAY/NIGHT PRAYER & WORSHIP Breaking Out Worldwide

May the saints grow in their love and passion for You, giving You the glory You deserve. We pray for day and night worship and prayer to arise throughout the whole earth, in every nation and people groups. May all peoples of the earth come know that You are God, as the knowledge of the glory of the Lord fills the earth.   

INTERGENERATIONAL Reconciliation and Healing for Kingdom Advancement

SAMPLE PRAYER: WE pray for a turning of hearts of the parents to their children and the children to their parents. May we have intergenerational reconciliation and healing that we may enjoy and learn from one another, young and old. May this coming together become a strength that leads to an ever expanding kingdom partnership throughout the Body of Christ. 

 LABORERS Launched into Worldwide Harvest 

SAMPLE PRAYER: Lord of the Harvest, we ask for laborers to be sent forth  to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to all peoples of the earth. 

GOD'S JUSTICE Released on the Earth

SAMPLE PRAYER: May Your justice, mercy, and righteousness ring out throughout the earth. 

GOSPEL Preached to All Nations

SAMPLE PRAYER: May the Gospel of Jesus Christ be preached throughout the whole world to every human being. 

DISCIPLES Equipped to Make Disciples of All Nations

SAMPLE PRAYER: We ask that You would mature us into fully equipped disciples of Jesus Christ that make other disciples and teach others to obey all that you have taught us.