In The Image Of God

A Meta-Narrative of the Bible that has a Gospel Presentation

by Raimer Rojas

I wrote this Gospel presentation to help the church understand not only what God accomplished for us individually and corporately through the life, death and resurrection of His Son Jesus Christ, but also to help us capture and enter into the aim He created us to fulfill (and so perfectly modeled for us through His Son) - to image God on the earth. 

In The Image Of God

Created In God’s Image > Image Degradation > Image Restoration > Image Perfected 

1. Created In God’s Image

In the beginning, humanity was created in God's image with the purpose of reflecting His glory on Earth by living and acting in ways that made His presence and ways evident to the world.

In the beginning, God created humanity in His own image. We were lovingly fashioned to bear His likeness and reflect His glory on the earth. Our purpose was clear: to rule over creation by making God's presence known and His ways evident to the world. We were meant to live, think, feel, and speak in a way that would draw attention to the brilliance of God's glory. In this way His presence and blessings would spread throughout the earth. We were blessed to be a blessing!

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2. Image Degradation Through Sin

Sinful rebellion against God has distorted our image-bearing, leading to separation from Him and resulting in a tarnished and disrupted reflection of God's glory, which in turn has caused suffering for both humanity and creation.

However, our image-bearing has become distorted by sin. Tragically, we turned away from God and towards false idols of our own making. Our sinful rebellion to God and His ways separated us from Him. This separation meant that we could not refresh ourselves with His glory. As we did so, the image of God within us became tarnished and distorted. Sin disrupted the very essence of our image-bearing, and as a result, both humans and creation itself suffered a deficit of God’s glory. 

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3. Image Restoration Through The Perfect Image Of God

To restore the degraded image of God within humanity, Jesus the Christ, the perfect image of God, took on human form, lived a sinless life and paid once-and-for-all the penalty for our sins on the cross, offering us salvation and the chance to rekindle our relationship with God. Through this life-giving relationship we undergo transformation and are empowered to bring God's new creation gospel to all of creation.

To restore the degraded image of God within humanity, a divine encounter with the original image of God was necessary. The Son of God took on human flesh to accomplish this restoration. When Jesus, the perfect image of God, assumed human form, it was a pivotal moment in God's rescue plan for the entire universe. Not only was Jesus the exact representation of God, living the perfectly sinless life we could not live, but he also paid the penalty for our sins on a criminal’s cross, a price we could not pay. In this way King Jesus offers us salvation, the opportunity to be restored back into the loving and life-giving relationship with God, and a place in God's family as His sons and daughters. 

Now, as we willingly fix our gaze upon Jesus, the King, beholding His glory, we begin to undergo transformation (2 Corinthians 3:18). Our capacity to radiate God's glory is rekindled, and the intensity of His glory reflected through us to others increases. Through the Spirit-led process of image restoration, God not only transforms us but also empowers us to bring the benefits of His new creation gospel to all of creation.

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4. Image Perfected When We See Him As He Is In His Second Coming

Until the returned King's glorious appearance in his Second Coming, the mission of the Church is to testify through word, character, and deed that Jesus is the victorious King, enabling God's salvation plan to reach the lost and his Kingdom to spread throughout the earth.

One day, when we see the returned King in His full splendor, the image-bearing of the Church will finally be perfected. Until that glorious day, our mission is clear: as disciples of Jesus, we are to function as image-bearers, testifying in word, character, and deed that Jesus is the victorious King. This is the only way for God's plan of salvation to reach non-Christians and his Kingdom to spread throughout the earth. When the Church reflects the image of the King perfectly, our image-bearing will be complete, and God's glory will shine forth for all eternity. In this way, we participate in God's grand plan to restore His image in us and throughout creation, ultimately fulfilling the purpose for which we were created.

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