When Giving a Prophetic Word

Revelation ➤ Interpretation ➤ Application

Break Down A Prophetic Word Into These Three Categories

Revelation ➤ Interpretation ➤ Application

A. Revelation

What God said (the spiritual raw data)

The revelation part of a prophetic word is the initial, unprocessed "raw data" received spontaneously from God.

B. Interpretation 

What it means (general sense)

The interpretation part of a prophetic word is where you process the initial revelation from God to understand His message. Ask God for greater insight and clarity about what He is showing you regarding yourself, another person, or a group. To help clarify, ask God for a Bible story, passage, or verse that highlights or brings understanding to the revelation.

C. Application

What we do about it, in a particular context; How we package it for delivery to a specific individual or group (specific sense) 

The application part of a prophetic word involves deciding how to act on it in a specific context and how to deliver it to an individual or group. The processed message must be filtered through Biblical and positive criteria for effective delivery and reception. Since people are different, the same truth may need to be applied differently to benefit each listener. The Holy Spirit must guide each step of the process to truly bless others. Use these filters for your word:

Purpose of the Three Filters in the Application Stage

Preserve The Integrity Of The Initial Revelation Received