Left Hand Gospel Presentation

A Gospel Presentation

The Left Hand Gospel presentation is one of the simplest and most memorable I've encountered. All you need is your left hand, which is always with you, so you're always ready! Its simplicity comes from its accessibility and how easy it is to remember. Each finger represents a different part of the message based on its common sign, symbol, size, or quality. Once you learn it, it's almost impossible to forget!

The Left Hand Gospel Presentation

THUMB  (Thumb's up)

GOOD > God is good! He loves us and is for us, not against us. He joyfully created humans in His image, allowed them to enjoy an intimate relationship with Him and placed them in a perfect and beautiful world to carry on His mission on earth to reflect His glory. We were to do this by living and acting in ways that make His presence and ways evident to the world and that ultimately fosters God-honoring families and communities throughout the earth.

Simple Beginning Phrase: God is good! He loves us and is for us, not against us... 

Key Bullet Points: Created in the image of God Relationship Mission on earth

Full Phrasing of this Gospel Section: God is good! He loves us and is for us, not against us. He joyfully created humans in His image, allowed them to enjoy an intimate relationship with Him and placed them in a perfect and beautiful world to carry on His mission on earth to reflect His glory. We were to do this by living and acting in ways that make His presence and ways evident to the world and that ultimately fosters God-honoring families and communities throughout the earth.

Added Development: The Bible states that God is good and that He loves us. He is for us and not against us. He joyfully created humans in His image and placed them in a perfectly functioning, gloriously beautiful and awe-inspiring world, where peace, love, and harmony existed between God and people, among people, and between people and nature. Under God's wise and perfect leadership, there was no pain, suffering, or tears. In this beautiful face-to-face relationship with Him, we were meant to cultivate the earth, steward its resources and multiply throughout the earth, reflecting His glory to each other and the world by living and acting in ways that make His presence and ways evident (that is, through our actions, character and words) and help establish God-honoring families and communities. In this way we were to model obedient allegiance to the rule and reign of God and help spread the knowledge of God everywhere so that the nations will humbly follow the King.

Bible Texts

POINTER  FINGER (You're in trouble!)

BAD > Unfortunately, we all have sinned against God and became separated from Him and the life He intended for us. Instead of reflecting His glory, we modeled rebellion against our Creator and His ways. We now live in a broken and sinful world of our own making. Without Him, we are hopelessly lost and eternally doomed.

Simple Beginning Phrase: But we have all sinned against God and became separated from Him... 

Key Bullet Points: Broken world Lost + Doomed

Full Phrasing of this Gospel Section: Unfortunately, we have all sinned against God and became separated from Him and the life He intended for us. Instead of reflecting His glory, we modeled rebellion against our Creator and His ways. We now live in a broken and sinful world of our own making. Without Him, we are hopelessly lost and eternally doomed.

Added Development: But, we all have sinned. We have rejected God's leadership over our lives and have chosen defiantly to live life our own terms. Life wasn't designed to work that way. Instead of reflecting His glory and ways, we modeled rebellion against our Creator and His ways for each other, contributing to the cultivation of a broken and sinfully diseased world. The effect of our rebellion is that we have become separated from the holy God we have rejected. We have lost connection to the very Source of life and are now left to our own broken devices that will neither work nor satisfy. Outside of Him we are hopelessly lost and doomed. 

Bible Texts

MIDDLE FINGER (Tallest finger)

JESUS > But the Good News is that Jesus, God's Son, is bigger than our sin. By coming to earth in human flesh and living a sinless, perfectly obedient life, dying for our sin and rising again on the third day, He overcame our sin by paying our debt. Now enthroned as rightful King, His grand plan is to restore and make all things new in creation, starting with and through His people. 

Simple Beginning Phrase: Jesus is bigger than our sins...

Key Bullet Points:  ↘️ ✝️ ↗️ = Jesus paid our debt  restore & renew creation

Full Phrasing of this Gospel Section: The Good News is that Jesus, God's Son, is bigger than our sin. By coming to earth in human flesh and living a sinless, perfectly obedient life, dying for our sin and rising again on the third day, He overcame our sin by paying our debt. Now enthroned as rightful King, His grand plan is to restore and make all things new in creation, starting with and through His people. 

Added Development: The Good News is that God sent His Son Jesus to earth, taking on human flesh, to live the life we could not live and die the death we deserved, in order to pay the price for our sins we could never pay. In the life He lived, Jesus perfectly imaged God, His ways and how to live in obedience to Him. At the cross, Jesus covered over our sin fully and foreverpast, present and future. Now enthroned as rightful King, His grand plan is to restore and make all things new in creation, starting with and through His people. 

Bible Texts 

RING FINGER (Covenant relationship)

RELATIONSHIP > Jesus invites everyone into an intimate relationship. Those who turn from their sins and trust in King Jesus as Savior and Lord over their lives, receive the free gift of salvation. The salvation Jesus offers includes forgiven sins, a restored relationship with God, being adopted and embraced into God's family, the privilege of continuing Jesus' mission on earth and receiving eternal life. (What's keeping you from receiving Jesus as your Lord and Savior?)

Simple Beginning Phrase: > Jesus invites everyone into an intimate relationship...

Key Bullet Points:  Turn + Trust King Jesus = Salvation > Forgiven sins  Relationship  God's family  Join Jesus' mission  Eternal life

Full Phrasing of this Gospel Section:  Jesus invites everyone into an intimate relationship. Those who turn from their sins and trust in King Jesus as Savior and Lord over their lives, receive the free gift of salvation. The salvation Jesus offers includes forgiven sins, a restored relationship with God, being adopted and embraced into God's family, the privilege of continuing Jesus' mission on earth and receiving eternal life. (What's keeping you from receiving Jesus as your Lord and Savior?)

Added Development: Jesus is inviting everyone into a covenant relationship. In defeating sin and death once and for all, He has made a way for us to come back to God and be reconciled with Him. Those who turn from their sins and trust in King Jesus (repent & believe), receive the free gift of salvation. The salvation Jesus offers includes forgiven sins, a restored relationship with God (where we are eternally loved in an intimate, abiding, and life-giving way), being adopted and embraced into God's family, the privilege of continuing the mission of Jesus on earth and receiving eternal life. ASK: What's keeping you from receiving Jesus as your Lord and Savior?

Bible Texts

PINKIE (Weakest finger)

WEAK > We all know this reality whether we admit it or not: Humans are weak and need help. God provides His people ongoing help through the power, presence and guidance of Holy Spirit and by caring and growing us through His earthly family. His love and grace empower us to become more like Him, reflect His glory, and spread this Good News throughout the earth.

Simple Beginning Phrase: > Humans are weak and need help. God helps and transforms us...

Key Bullet Points:  Holy Spirit God's family

Full Phrasing of this Gospel Section: We all know this reality whether we admit it or not: Humans are weak and need help. God provides His people ongoing help through the power, presence and guidance of Holy Spirit and by caring and growing us through His earthly family. His love and grace empower us to become more like Him, reflect His glory, and spread this Good News throughout the earth.

Added Development:  Since by virtue of being humans we are weak, limited and fragile, living in a broken and harsh world, we all need outside help. To deny this reality is to not be truthful with ourselves and the realities of life on earth. But God has provided help for all those who trust in Him:

We are not alone or left to change out of our own self-effort or limited knowledge. God has gifted us with divine help to accomplish the very thing He asks of us. In His love and grace, He gives us the power and desire to become more like Him. This enables us to reflect His glory to the world by living and acting in ways that make His presence and ways evident, and to spread this Good News across the earth.  Praise God for His goodness!

Bible Texts

How to Practice Learning The Left Hand Gospel

PDF: Left Hand Gospel Handout - This PDF is designed to help you learn and remember the Left Hand Gospel presentation through a simple four-step process, ensuring it is always fresh in your mind for evangelistic use and Gospel reflection.