Alumni Talk Series "RECONNECT"

The Alumni talk series- "RECONNECT" was initiated with the aim to bring all the alumni of the Zoology Department, Deshbandhu college to a common interactive online platform where students can share their achievements and experiences. Reconnect also serves to reunite and provide guidance to the students of the Department. The idea is led by Dr Varsha Baweja, Teacher – Incharge, Department of Zoology, Desbandhu College. Reconnect provides an excellent opportunity to bring our zoology family together and make the bond stronger.

  1. The first talk of Reconnect was delivered by the Alumnus of DBC-Zoology, Mr. Rajat Rastogi on 8 August, 2020. The title of his talk was "Aliens in the Wild" organised on Google Meet e-platform. Mr Rastogi is from the year 2011-2014 batch of Zoology Honours and has completed his master degree from the Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun. He is a Wildlife Biologist and currently working on the impact of invasive species in one of the tiger reserves of India. His area of interest is biological invasions and he has been pursuing research in this field since year 2016.

2. The Department of Zoology, Deshbandhu College invited its distinguished alumnus Dr Ravi Toteja (batch 1989- 1992), the Officiating Principal of Acharya Narendra Dev College, University of Delhi, to share his experiences and research work on Reconnect. The title of his talk was "Exploring Single Cell Eukaryotic Organisms- Ciliates". Dr Toteja delivered a wonderful talk by introducing simplest eukaryotic organisms-ciliates like, Paramecium, Blepharisma and Vorticella and their use as bioindicators for evaluating the toxicity of waste waters. During his lecture Dr Ravi shared some glimpses from his research life to motivate and inspire the students attending the programme.