Hampshire County

 Community Story Archive 

Sharing Stories, Creating Change

Nourishing Food is a Right of all Living Beings

To engage with audio stories, photos, and artwork offered by diverse Hampshire County residents, click on the photo or name of a storyteller. 

"I think there should be a human right to access land to grow your own food and support around that. …I wish that everyone had access to grow food so they understood where it came from. "

"There really needs to be food production education. We need to understand the food system and what goes into what we're actually eating."

"I think that part of the way that humans evolved eating food is being involved in their food systems and how that came to be… coming from plants and animals in the world, which is where food comes from. "

"I would like to see more local food getting to local people. I think it's unbelievable how many farms I drive through…and the fact that we somehow live in a food desert how can those two things both be true? There is food here, there are people here, how are we not bringing those two things together?…So figuring out how to cross that bridge."

"I would like there to be more inner city gardens, and farming. I would like there to be more learning around agriculture. I would like the schools to be able to teach kids better nutrition and flip the whole script on what's healthy and what's unhealthy."

The fact that.. I can grow it I can share it, I can eat it. It did make me feel much more self reliant and like I had a little bit of control at a time where in every other way we really had no other control.

"During the pandemic, we realized that we really need to try to be a little more self sufficient. Even though that's kind of like a double edged sword because I think if people in your community need help, then you know we're all supposed to come together…Which is why I want to be able to grow food and share it with other people. ..I worked a summer internship [at the Giving Garden] We grew so much food. Harvesting it, putting it in baskets and sending it out felt amazing. "

"I actually participated and kept up my garden for the first time ever… during the pandemic. We got it started [at Hampshire Heights] through Grow Food and I actually grew a watermelon, some tomatoes and lettuce."