Hampshire County

 Community Story Archive 

Sharing Stories, Creating Change


Laura is a long-time resident of the Hilltowns and a member of multiple circles in Hampshire County Food Policy Council’s include the Storytelling Circle. She shares multiple perspectives including that of living with disabilities; awareness of transportation needs; a passion for the relationship between food and health; how isolation impacts wellbeing; the value of trying new foods; and ideas for community building and food system change. 

“I'd like to see more farmers’ markets in the Hilltowns and community gathering around food. It's important to get people to try new things. I think tasting something different would make them think maybe I could think something different, too, and it wouldn't be so bad."

“I know that we need to get back the feeling of community that we had before the pandemic, and we’re trying.” 

Check out some interview excerpts below:

“Food really does have an effect on the physical body, and I'm really into eating organic food. I really try to eat well and I think that it's important for physical well-being. The Creamery now accepts SNAP benefits and so, being able to get whatever I need from the store  and to have the benefits honored there it's a wonderful thing.”