on not giving a fuck

Above photo by Indrajeet Choudhary on Unsplash

I recently discovered Sarah Knight's podcast No F*cks Given! (you can access the podcast webpage by clicking on this hyperlinked text).

While the title of the podcast is suggests a snarky approach to life, learning whether and when to give a f*ck is really a positive and healthy endeavor. Giving a f*ck about something is akin to spending time, energy and money on it. I don't know about you but I spend a lot of time, energy and money on things that I really don't care about. Sure, there are things I have to do for my job...but there are also a lot of things I agree to do as part of my job that I don't actually have to agree to do. So, in figuring out what you give a f*ck about--and thus what things, work/school activities, friends and family on which you want spend your time, energy and/or money--and discarding those things about which you don't give a f*ck, you can master the art of saying "no" and begin to cultivate a life that has meaning and value based on what you value, not what is valued by society, friends or family.

Ms. Knight has a popular Ted Talk that you can view below and she has written a series of books on the topic which you can check out by clicking on this hyperlinked text.