A technique named "box breathing" is an effective tool to help you destress and to help counter mild to moderate anxiety. And, the great thing about "box breathing" is that you have all the tools to practice it wherever you are.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, "box breathing" is also referred to as 4 x 4 breathing, 4-4-4-4 breathing, equal breathing and Four Square breathing. What's the deal with all the 4's?

Well the 4's represent the 4 stages of the breathing practice and the recommendation that you do the breathing technique for 4 repetitions.

So, how do you do it?

  1. Breathe in slowly while counting to 4

  2. Hold that breath for a count of 4

  3. Slowly exhale that breath while counting to 4

  4. After exhaling the breath, hold the empty diaphragm for a count of 4

  5. Repeat 3 more times...or more

To read more about the "box breathing" technique, check out the resources below.