IB Portfolios

Track and Celebrate Your Acheivements




Why Keep a Portfolio?

Benefits You Now:

Benefits Future You:

Besides using it for your IB grade, The site is good for you now and as you prepare to get hired and get into college

*Real world- As you enter high school you will have a full portfolio of great work leading to your IB diploma. Even if you dont continue ot the DP program, you can use this to get a job or get into college. Before you graduate you can take it with you! See leaving CMS for more on how to  make a copy of it so it doesn't disappear and move it to their Personal Google Drive account to keep. It is also a good visual to them of which documents they wish to save because 13 years of google docs can be overwhelming to try to save for posterity

Let's Get Started

Ms Thornburg and Gurthie can make you a duplicate of this site and you can then edit it


THIS VIDEO contains directions to our old way to create a portfolio using Google Folders.