Care, Troubleshooting, and Repair 

Tech Care and Repair

Chromebook Care: Do's and Don'ts



Teacher  Tips to Limit Breakage

Chromebook Troubleshooting 

Restart weekly, Check for updates often 


 if those steps don't work, or if the CHROMEBOOK won't Turn ON but appears to be charged or charging, Powerwash it.


 if the device wont' powerwash or wont come on, Come to Media Center for help. 

More Tips

What to do When...

Lost Chromebook

Forgotten Chromebook

We do not have loaners. You may use paper, ask your teacher if you can work on paper, look on with a friend use the Canvas or Google Drive app on your Phone, or ask for a pass to submit work on library desktop.

Stolen Chromebook

Broken Chromebook

Lost Charger

Wifi Hotspot

If you are in need of home wifi, have your parentrequest that by  Ms Gurthie in Media center.