Tech Facilitation

Facil-i-tate , v

To“facilitate” means to make it easier, which means my job is to make your job easier with tech.  

What does that mean for YOU

As your Tech facilitator I offer  services to teachers and students. 

For students, drop by the media center and I can help you make your schoolwork more fun and efficient. 

For teachers, I offer 1:1 and PLC meeting services, class time demos and co teaching, as well pullout work if you wish to send a student for enrichment or troubleshooting. Let me know what’s working and what you’d like to see. Even if it does not relate directly to technology. I’ll find a solution and bring it to you. 

To o help meet your needs I made this survey. Be as candid as you wish and share with students as well

Gurthie ParentSquare Resource Guide: Reference Sheet forCCiA Staff