Dr. Richard Brown, PhD

School of Population Health, Virginia Commonwealth University

Associate Professor 

Director of the Communication Innovations in Health Care Laboratory 

Phone: 804-628-3340

Email: richard.brown@vcuhealth.org


Research Interests: 

Psycho-Oncology, Physician-Patient Communication, Communication Skills Training, Cancer Patient Communication Interventions, Health Disparities, Outcomes Research 

School of Population Health, Virginia Commonwealth University

Associate Professor 

Director of the Communication Innovations in Health Care Laboratory 

Phone: 804-628-3340

Email: richard.brown@vcuhealth.org


Dr. Richard Brown Ph.D is an Associate Professor (Tenured) in the Department of Health Behavior and Policy in the School of Medicine at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU). He is a full member of the Massey Cancer Center (MCC) and is the Director of the Communication Innovations in Health Care Laboratory. Dr. Brown is Co-Director of the Health Communication and Digital Innovation Core of the MCC. At the International level Dr. Brown is the Co-Chair of the Advisory Committee to the EACH International Association for Communication in Health Care and is the Associate Editor of the Academic Journal Patient Education and Counseling.


Dr. Brown’s research has been designed to aid cancer patients and oncologists to communicate more effectively. His research largely centers on developing, implementing, and evaluating communication interventions using the oncologist-patient consultation as the unit of analysis. His research agenda has involved dual paths that have focused on understanding communication from both the patients’ and oncologists’ perspectives. Dr. Brown’s patient-focused work has included developing and testing patient interventions, such as Question Prompt Lists, to help cancer patients be more active communicators during their consultations. His oncologist-focused work has involved the development, implementation, and evaluation of training to support sustained uptake of communication skills. Over the past several years he has developed a specialized research focus exploring cancer clinical trial communication. In 2015, Dr. Brown was awarded a four-year Research Scholar grant from the American Cancer Society to study the impact of Tailored Health Communication on African American Cancer patients decision’s about joining a cancer clinical trial.

Dr. Brown continues his work exploring health disparities in communication in health care and has extended that work to include focus to ameliorate health disparities and promote health equity across diverse minority (including race and Sexual/gender minorities), geographic and socioeconomic domains.


Undergraduate Education

Graduate Education

Post Graduate Education

Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications