Learning Events Registrations

Are you supporting a student or multiple students with behaviors that interfere with their learning or the learning of others?  Do you find it challenging to teach Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) competencies when the SEL expectations don’t match how your student(s) show up? If you answered yes, then come join us! The goal of the SNS is to provide adults with the training and resources they need to implement evidence-based improvement strategies to support the growth of students with significantly divergent social and emotional learning needs.

Grounding Work

Watch these videos before attending your first SNS learning event

Events 2024-2025 School Year

Registration links and flyers will be available mid July 2024


SNS Year Long Cohort


Nov. 5th, 2024 - Regulation

Dec.17th, 2024 - Sensory

Jan. 7th, 2025 - Flexibility

Feb. 4th, 2025 - Resilience

Mar. 4th, 2025 - Higher Impact Needs

May 6th, 2025 - Social Cognition

Flyer Registration

This cohort is designed to support educators in pivoting their strategies to best practices.  The majority time spent together during this hour is in discussion.  THIS IS NOT a content learning event but a place to come talk out what you have learned in attending or interacting with learning from the SNS learning content.  Our goal is to find places to apply the learning, making changes in our practice to better serve students.  All are welcome, but please note educational settings are our focus. Also note, you do not need to attend all of the events.  Join when you can. 


Oct 3rd 2024

Regulation: Where do we start?


Content Registration    Flyer 

Regulation is the foundation upon which we are able to access our learning.  When a student experiences a regulation system that is in distress, it may result in a lack of access to learning as well as behavior that is challenging to adults.   We will learn how the stress response system works within our brain and the role it plays in a student's ability to be regulated.  A deep dive into understanding the skill sets it takes to be an active participant in self-regulation will be explored and strategies to better support co-regulation will be provided.


Body Processing - Regulation and Sensory 


Oct 29th, 2024

Location: CESA 5

Content Registration    Flyer 

The way our body takes in,  interprets and reacts to the world can vary for a variety of reasons.  In this training participants will be introduced to this process and possible places students might be experiencing differences that cause unexpected reactions.  Staying curious and learning more about a student's perspective and how their body is adapting can support educators and families to be able to support that student be the best them they can be.   Through looking at our sensory processing systems and our regulatory systems we can build support to help students navigate the world they are experiencing.


Body Processing - Regulation and Sensory 


Oct 30th, 2024

Location:CESA 4

Content Registration    Flyer 

The way our body takes in,  interprets and reacts to the world can vary for a variety of reasons.  In this training participants will be introduced to this process and possible places students might be experiencing differences that cause unexpected reactions.  Staying curious and learning more about a student's perspective and how their body is adapting can support educators and families to be able to support that student be the best them they can be.   Through looking at our sensory processing systems and our regulatory systems we can build support to help students navigate the world they are experiencing.


Body Processing - Regulation and Sensory 


Oct 31st, 2024

Location: CESA 10

Content Registration    Flyer 

The way our body takes in,  interprets and reacts to the world can vary for a variety of reasons.  In this training participants will be introduced to this process and possible places students might be experiencing differences that cause unexpected reactions.  Staying curious and learning more about a student's perspective and how their body is adapting can support educators and families to be able to support that student be the best them they can be.   Through looking at our sensory processing systems and our regulatory systems we can build support to help students navigate the world they are experiencing.


Nov. 12th, 2024

Understanding "Sensory"


Content Registration    Flyer 

The word sensory is used in many different contexts within education, and between educational disciplines; we use it to mean many different things.  In this training, participants will norm their language around the sensory systems and how sensory systems influence our brain.  We will explore how environments can influence sensory input and look at how we might utilize our favorite sensory tools in more effective ways that are  accessible to both related service providers and classroom teachers.  When we discover concepts such as  “fidgets aren’t for everyone,”  we can better set up environments and implement strategies that support individual student needs and how their body shows up.  We will learn to shift our focus from simply “sensory” to a deeper understanding of “regulation.”


Processing Thinking - Resilience and Flexibility


Dec 3rd, 2024

Location: CESA 2

Content Registration    Flyer 

The way our body takes in,  interprets and reacts to the world can vary for a variety of reasons.  In this training participants will be introduced to this process and possible places students might be experiencing differences that cause unexpected reactions.  Staying curious and learning more about a student's perspective and how their body is adapting can support educators and families to be able to support that student be the best them they can be.   Through looking at our sensory processing systems and our regulatory systems we can build support to help students navigate the world they are experiencing.


Processing Thinking - Resilience and Flexibility


Dec 4th, 2024

Location: CESA 3

Content Registration    Flyer 

The way our body takes in,  interprets and reacts to the world can vary for a variety of reasons.  In this training participants will be introduced to this process and possible places students might be experiencing differences that cause unexpected reactions.  Staying curious and learning more about a student's perspective and how their body is adapting can support educators and families to be able to support that student be the best them they can be.   Through looking at our sensory processing systems and our regulatory systems we can build support to help students navigate the world they are experiencing.


Processing Thinking - Resilience and Flexibility


Dec 12th, 2024

Location: CESA 1

Content Registration    Flyer 

The way our body takes in,  interprets and reacts to the world can vary for a variety of reasons.  In this training participants will be introduced to this process and possible places students might be experiencing differences that cause unexpected reactions.  Staying curious and learning more about a student's perspective and how their body is adapting can support educators and families to be able to support that student be the best them they can be.   Through looking at our sensory processing systems and our regulatory systems we can build support to help students navigate the world they are experiencing.


Dec.18th 2024

Flexibility: It's a skill


Content Registration    Flyer 

Students who exhibit behavior that is challenging to adults often struggle with cognitive flexibility.  When the brain lacks access to its ability to gain and send out certain information, it may result in behavior that can look very rigid.  When rigid thought patterns, behavior patterns, and a feeling of a need for control interfere with learning and teaching, working on flexibility skills is a strategy we can use to impact student outcomes.  This workshop will explore how the brain works and the factors that impact a student’s ability to access and use flexibility. 


Jan. 9th, 2025

Resilience: Coping and Relationships


Content Registration    Flyer 

Adapting to adversity is a struggle we all have. We often do not think of resilience as a skill set but rather a way of being.  In this training, participants will learn about the components of resilience, and how their practice can influence the building of resilience in their students. We will look at the effects of a system that struggles to naturally cope with that adversity and the relationships it takes to build resiliency.


Feb.12th, 2025

Untangling: Supporting Students with Higher Impact Needs


Content Registration    Flyer 

Students who do not use verbal language as their main communication mode are often misunderstood. At times, their communication modes are ignored, misunderstood, or viewed as wrong or bad.  Behavior that is challenging to us is only challenging until we know strategies to meet learners where they are.  Come increase your understanding of how to show up for students who may have significant support needs.


May 13th, 2025

Hidden Curriculum


Content Registration    Flyer 

Have you ever not understood a joke or felt lost in an interaction with someone?  Understanding the social context around us is a skill set many of us have without much conscious awareness.  When our brain does not take in and process social information in the same way as those around us, it can result in a mismatch within our interactions.  In this training, we will explore components of how we socially communicate and, when our brain thinks differently, how that can cause social mishaps or mismatched interactions.  At times, the social information can be hidden to us; this training supports educators to provide information around social context and interaction. 


Social Communication - Modes and Language 


Mar 18th, 2025

Location: CESA 8

Content Registration    Flyer 

The ability to be a social partner is a complicated system. Many of  us learned skills without much conscious awareness because the systems of learning matched the way our brain showed up.  When our brain does not take in and process social information in the same way as those around us, it can result in a mismatch within our interactions.  In this training we will explore components of how we socially communicate and, when our brain thinks differently, how that can cause a student to be misunderstood, have social mishaps or mismatched interactions.   Communication modes and how we communicate in context will be addressed.


Social Communication - Modes and Language 


Mar 19th, 2025

Location: CESA 11

Content Registration    Flyer 

The ability to be a social partner is a complicated system. Many of  us learned skills without much conscious awareness because the systems of learning matched the way our brain showed up.  When our brain does not take in and process social information in the same way as those around us, it can result in a mismatch within our interactions.  In this training we will explore components of how we socially communicate and, when our brain thinks differently, how that can cause a student to be misunderstood, have social mishaps or mismatched interactions.   Communication modes and how we communicate in context will be addressed.


Social Communication - Modes and Language 


Mar 20th, 2025

Location: CESA 7

Content Registration    Flyer 

The ability to be a social partner is a complicated system. Many of  us learned skills without much conscious awareness because the systems of learning matched the way our brain showed up.  When our brain does not take in and process social information in the same way as those around us, it can result in a mismatch within our interactions.  In this training we will explore components of how we socially communicate and, when our brain thinks differently, how that can cause a student to be misunderstood, have social mishaps or mismatched interactions.   Communication modes and how we communicate in context will be addressed.


Processing Thinking - Resilience and Flexibility


Apr 29th, 2025

Location: CESA 6

Content Registration    Flyer 

The way our body takes in,  interprets and reacts to the world can vary for a variety of reasons.  In this training participants will be introduced to this process and possible places students might be experiencing differences that cause unexpected reactions.  Staying curious and learning more about a student's perspective and how their body is adapting can support educators and families to be able to support that student be the best them they can be.   Through looking at our sensory processing systems and our regulatory systems we can build support to help students navigate the world they are experiencing.


Processing Thinking - Resilience and Flexibility


Apr 30th, 2025

Location: CESA 12

Content Registration    Flyer 

The way our body takes in,  interprets and reacts to the world can vary for a variety of reasons.  In this training participants will be introduced to this process and possible places students might be experiencing differences that cause unexpected reactions.  Staying curious and learning more about a student's perspective and how their body is adapting can support educators and families to be able to support that student be the best them they can be.   Through looking at our sensory processing systems and our regulatory systems we can build support to help students navigate the world they are experiencing.


Processing Thinking - Resilience and Flexibility


May 1st, 2025

Location: CESA 9

Content Registration    Flyer 

The way our body takes in,  interprets and reacts to the world can vary for a variety of reasons.  In this training participants will be introduced to this process and possible places students might be experiencing differences that cause unexpected reactions.  Staying curious and learning more about a student's perspective and how their body is adapting can support educators and families to be able to support that student be the best them they can be.   Through looking at our sensory processing systems and our regulatory systems we can build support to help students navigate the world they are experiencing.

District and Community Organization Opportunities

Per Request

Location Events

Upon Request

(dependent on availability)

Location: Virtual with some in-person options


Schools, districts, community organizations, and individuals (educators, family members, or community members) can access virtual support with the SNS statewide coordinator. Topics may include understanding of disability‐related needs in the areas of social and emotional learning including regulation, sensory, social skills, communication skills, flexibility, resilience, and executive functioning. These can include training, coaching, and brainstorming meetings, and can be provided up to 4 times a year. Districts, groups, or individuals can request this support by emailing the SNS statewide coordinator (kberg@cesa1.k12.wi.us). Scheduling will be dependent on availability.

Asynchronous Virtual Opportunities

10-20 minute deep dives into one strategy or topic prompted by questions from across WI

An interactive independent learning experience to enhance capacity around neurodiverse learners and the disability-related needs that often present as a strength, or barrier to learning.

Blue Folder Items:

Products Given Away at Events:

Belief and Background Knowledge Building 

Skill Building 

*These resources are not developed by DPI, and DPI does not endorse any product or business. These are resources pertinent to the topic and provided for your review. We encourage you to do your due diligence to determine if these resources are consistent with your district’s vision and mission.  They are also not the only resources on these subjects and should not be considered "the best" but a representation of what is available.  No resource is perfect and comes with its own lens or purpose.  We encourage you to stay curious about any resource or product you use to make sure it supports your current knowledge of a subject.  Our access to knowledge about the brain is booming and when we know better we do better, so please use your best judgment of what matches or does not match our knowledge of the best practice.