Executive Functioning
The ability to organize cognitive processes. This includes the ability to plan ahead, prioritize, stop and start activities, shift from one activity to another activity and monitor one’s own behavior.
Unstuck and On Target: An Executive Function Curriculum to Improve Flexibility for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders by Lynn Cannon and Dr. Lauren Kenworthy
FLIPP the Switch: Strengthen Executive Function Skills by Sheri Wilkins and Carol Burmeister
Promoting Executive Function in the Classroom by Lynn Meltzer
Suboptimal decision making and interpersonal problems in ADHD: longitudinal evidence from a laboratory task, L. Sørensen, S. Adolfsdottir, E. Kvadsheim, H. Eichele, K. J. Plessen, and E. Sonuga-Barke
AIM Module - Task Analysis
AFIRM Module Peer-Mediated Instruction and Intervention (PMII)
Iris Module Providing Instructional Supports
*Resources not developed by DPI, and they do not endorse any product or business. These are free resources pertinent to the topic and provided for your review. We encourage you to do your due diligence to determine if these resources are consistent with your district’s vision and mission.