Understanding "Sensory"

The word sensory is used in many different contexts within education, and between educational disciplines; we use it to mean many different things.  In this training, participants will norm their language around the sensory systems and how sensory systems influence our brain.  We will explore how environments can influence sensory input and look at how we might utilize our favorite sensory tools in more effective ways that are accessible to both related service providers and classroom teachers.  When we discover concepts such as  “fidgets aren’t for everyone,”  we can better set up environments and implement strategies that support individual student needs and how their body shows up.  We will learn to shift our focus from simply “sensory” to a deeper understanding of “regulation.”


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Understanding "Sensory" Resources Links

*Resources not developed by DPI, and they do not endorse any product or business. These are free resources pertinent to the topic and provided for your review. We encourage you to do your due diligence to determine if these resources are consistent with your district’s vision and mission.