"Misbehaving" to Learning
Using the root cause analysis process, participants will work through using language and building belief systems that flip the idea of challenging behavior from its “naughty” behavior to understanding the behavior as a communication of a skill deficit or an inability to perform an expectation. We will dive into the understanding of how educators' behavior impacts the students' learning. Walk away with techniques to change your own practice in supporting student behavior utilizing proactive support and environmental design. We will be changing the lens we look at behavior through to overcome the challenging behavioral issues we deal with daily. Already have this belief? Come join us to help gain ways to support others on their learning journey. We don’t change students, we can change our behavior and hope for support in change in others.
BEYOND BEHAVIORS: Using Brain Science and Compassion to Understand and Solve Children’s Behavioral Challenges by Dr. Mona Delahooke, PhD
Seven and a Half Lessons About the Brain by Lisa Feldman Barrett
Happy Kids Don’t Punch You In the Face by Ben Springer
Classroom management interventions for students with EBD (Riden et al., 2022)
There is no such thing as a bad boy: The Circumstances View of problem behavior
Growing up Faster, Feeling Older: Hardship in Childhood and Adolescence
*Resources not developed by DPI, and they do not endorse any product or business. These are free resources pertinent to the topic and provided for your review. We encourage you to do your due diligence to determine if these resources are consistent with your district’s vision and mission.