Quick Bytes

Quick access to short answers to your questions regarding supporting students with neurodiverse needs.  Not finding what you need? Email your question to the SNS statewide coordinator, Katie Berg kberg@cesa1.k12.wi.us.

Root Cause Analysis:      A Problem Solving Process

What is the root cause analysis process and how does it work when trying to figure out behavior that is challenging or confusing to adults?

One Page Resource Lists

The following recordings are short dives into specific topics.  They are recordings from live events.  

In this video viewers will hear about a resource that supports a co-planning session with students.  Views will be introduced to the purpose and process of supporting students exploring their regulation system.

Click Here for a direct link the the Wisconsin DPI resource Emotional Regulation Plans

In this video viewers are introduced to the practice of teaching students how their brain works.  In efforts to support students in becoming independent problem solvers and to grow their self-regulation skills, knowledge becomes power.

Click Here for a page of resources to support teaching students how their brain works 

In this video viewers are introduced to the supports we use to enhance brain processes.  No longer looking at supports as "cheats" or "enabling" students but a supportive process or item that helps them become more efficient and independent in their learning.