Social Communication - Modes and Language

The ability to be a social partner is a complicated system. Many of  us learned skills without much conscious awareness because the systems of learning matched the way our brain showed up.  When our brain does not take in and process social information in the same way as those around us, it can result in a mismatch within our interactions.  In this training we will explore components of how we socially communicate and, when our brain thinks differently, how that can cause a student to be misunderstood, have social mishaps or mismatched interactions.   Communication modes and how we communicate in context will be addressed.

Further Learning

This training is a combination of two areas of need. For more information and resources click on the buttons below.

Social Cognition

High Impact Needs

SNS Learning Event

Activity Materials 

ASHA Components of Social Communication.docx
Copy of Soc Nar Cartooning
Copy of Call outs
Pragmatic Language Tips