Frequently Asked Questions


Question - How do you choose chaperones?

Answer - Chaperones are chosen (for the most part) on a first-come, first-serve basis.  All chaperones are background checked and decisions are made based partially on the results of this check.  Preference is given to chaperons that are able to stay for the entire week.

Question - Who can be a chaperone?

Answer - Parents and guardians are our first choice for chaperones.  Preference is given to female parents/guardians that will stay with their daughters and male parents/guardians that stay with their sons.

Question - Can fathers of daughters or mothers of sons come as chaperones?

Answer - For the most part the male chaperones stay with boy groups and female chaperones stay with the girls.  In some cases we have had fathers of daughters and mothers of sons come on the trip and we did what we could to make sure they had some time to be with their children at different times throughout the day.  At nighttime they would be responsible for their gender group.


Question - Can I visit my student during the week?

Answer - No.  NorthBay has very strict guidelines in place for the safety of your child during their week at camp.  For that reason they restrict visitors.  Having people coming in and out during the week would make it more difficult to ensure that safety.

Question - Can I talk to my student during the week?

Answer - Yes.  NorthBay has phones that the students may use, generally during mealtimes. 

Important - A lot of contact can result in MORE homesickness!  Try to limit your calls!

Question - Can my student take a phone?

Answer - Yes.  Students may bring one with the understanding that it will be locked up in a cabin safe for the majority of the time.  The students who bring phones will coordinate with their chaperones when they will call home.  I've made it clear with the students that they will not have time to use them for anything else throughout the week.  

With that being said, it is not necessary for students to bring a phone because the camp has phones that the students can use during the week.

Important - Once again, a lot of contact can result in MORE homesickness!  Try to limit your calls!