Volcanoes & Tsunamis


MS-ESS3-2  Analyze and interpret data on natural hazards to forecast future catastrophic events and inform the development of technologies to mitigate their effects. MS-ETS1-1 - Define the criteria and constraints of a design problem with sufficient precision to ensure a successful solution, taking into account relevant scientific principles and potential impacts on people and the natural environment that may limit possible solutions. 

Learning Targets

Success Criteria

Where are the Volcanoes of the World?

Back to Continental Drift...

The Lava Flow Challenge

Hawaiian Lava Flows

The Challenge

In the Lava Flow Challenge your group is tasked with the job of helping a town near an active volcano develop a system for determining if and when they should evacuate during a volcanic eruption.

Your job is to

Before you begin designing your investigation, view the following videos that show slow and fast lava flows.

Slow Lava Flow

Fast Lava Flow

Day 1 & 2 - Volcano Research

Learning Targets

Success Criteria

With a Partner

Volcano Facts



Meet with another group

Be prepared to... 

On Your Own

Begin writing your explanation of how volcanoes impact people who live near them.

In your explanation be sure to include

Peer Editing

Trade what you have written with a partner and proofread for errors.  Discuss your writing and give guidance for improving.  Return to the Success Criteria and check to see that you have met all parts.

Submit your explanation here:

Day 3 - Writing Procedures

Write a Simple Procedure

Learning Targets

Success Criteria


Identify Criteria and Constraints

When engineering the solution to a problem there are always goals and limitations that affect how we reach those goals.  They are called criteria and constraints.

Criteria - things that must be satisfied in order to achieve a goal

Constraints - factors that limit how you will go about achieving your goal

Write the Procedures for Measuring Lava Flow

Personal Reflection

Have you met the success criteria?

If given the chance to redo this assignment what would you change about your procedures?

Volcanoes in Arizona

The follow album is a sample of volcano impacts in Northern Arizona, USA.

Hot Spot Volcanoes

MS-ESS2-1. - Develop a model to describe the cycling of Earth's materials and the flow of energy that drives this process. 

Learning Target

Success Criteria

What is a Hotspot Volcano?

Hotspot Lab




Back to the Team...

Discuss the following with your team:

Hotspot Volcano Chains

Hotspots form chains of volcanoes in the middle of tectonic plates.  Use the following activity to demonstrate how these chains can occur.


The Hawaiian Islands are a hotspot volcanic chain 

Back to the Team...

Discuss the following with your team:


A Hotspot Beneath the United States


MS-ESS3-2  Analyze and interpret data on natural hazards to forecast future catastrophic events and inform the development of technologies to mitigate their effects. 

MS-ETS1-1 - Define the criteria and constraints of a design problem with sufficient precision to ensure a successful solution, taking into account relevant scientific principles and potential impacts on people and the natural environment that may limit possible solutions. 

Killer Wave

On March 11, 2011 an earthquake that registered 9.0 on the Richter scale struck off the coast of Northern Japan.  It generated a tsunami that killed tens of thousands of people and also started a nuclear disaster that is still impacting the region to this day.

What do you know about Tsunamis?


With your team...

Ever Changing Earth