The Nervous System

Questions to Ponder

Learning Target

Success Criteria

Nervous System 3 Part Lab 




Experiment 1: Reaction time 

Part A – Arm and shoulder. 

Part B – Thumb and Index finger. 

Experiment 2: Mapping Nerve Endings 

Experiment 3:  Temperature Effect on Neurons

Questions for After the Experiments

The CNS and PNS

     The nervous system has two different major parts. The two parts are the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. The central nervous system or the CNS contains the brain and the spinal cord. All together, the brain and the spinal cord serve as the nervous system's command station. When the sensory input reaches the CNS, the spinal cord and the brain figure out what it means. After, they quickly send orders out to the body parts that need to move. 

     Everything else but the CNS it is known as the peripheral nervous system. The peripheral nervous system or PNS contains the nerves, which leave the brain and the spinal cord and travel to certain areas of the body. The peripheral nervous system's main job is to send information gathered by the body's sensory receptors to the CNS as quickly as possible. Once the CNS has understood the information, the PNS will relay the specific orders back out the body. These nerves which carry information by way of nerve impulses to and from the brain are called cranial nerves. The nerves that carry information from the spine are called spinal nerves.  


Parts and Functions of the Nervous System
Parts and Functions of the Brain

Damage to the Brain

From Molecules to Organisms