Why Dissect Frogs?

A Doctor's First Experience...

There are many surgeons who say that they first discovered their life’s passion standing over a dissected frog in a middle or high school biology class.  Someday you might be that surgeon that saves lives.  

Apart from inspiring the medical professionals of tomorrow, what is the purpose of dissection? And more importantly, why is everyone always dissecting those poor green amphibians?

But I'm not going to be a doctor!

There are many reasons that students in biology classes are asked to perform dissections, and they have a lot to do with understanding the body and the wider world. In dissecting an animal, students see, touch, and explore the various organs in the body. Seeing these organs and understanding how they work within a single animal allows students to understand how these systems work within many other animals, including themselves. While there are various aspects that may differ between humans and other animals, many of the organ systems in complex animals work in similar ways to those of humans.

Top Reasons Why Frogs are Dissected