Does Earth Have Impact Craters?

MS-ESS2-2. Construct an explanation based on evidence for how geoscience processes have changed Earth'ssurface at varying time and spatial scales. 

Learning Target

Success Criteria

Questions to Ponder

A Closer Look

Use Google Earth to observe the moon a little bit more closely.

Click me to get started!

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We will use Google Earth to search for potential craters near where you live.


Meteor Crater

Click me to visit Meteor Crater on Google Earth!

Scanning For Other Craters

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Famous Craters of the World

Your teacher will assign you a famous crater to investigate.  Locate your crater on Google Earth using the search function, then find out about your crater by doing a brief search on the internet.

Prepare a brief presentation to share your crater with the rest of the class.


List of Famous Craters

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