Skeletal System Song

Hello I’m your skeleton 

as you can plainly see

Here are some of the 206 bones 

in the human body    

As a baby you start out 

with about 300 different bones

That's a lot considering many fuse  

when you are grown

206 bones is what 

you have as an adult

Due to all the fusion

your bones do this is the result

Ligaments hold the ends 

of your bones together this is true

And Muscles attach to bone

with Tendons connective tissue 

Tendons and Ligaments connect 

to bones on either side of a joint

Holding bones together tightly

That is the point

Bone Marrow’s a soft and spongy tissue 

found inside some bones

Bone Morrow Stroma Stem Cells are called 


Mesenchymal Stem cells are the two colors 

Yellow and Red

The yellow color produces fat, bone 

and your cartilage 

The Red color produces white and 

red blood cells 

It also makes the Platelets that cause clotting

to stop bleeding well

Hello I’m your skeleton 

as you can plainly see

Here’s some of the 206 bones 

in the human body    

Let's focus on some of the major bones

in the human body

We’ll start at the top of the cranium

which is called your Skull you see

Then we’ll move down to your 

Mandible it helps you chew food 

Onto the Clavicle also called The

Collarbone on you

Here we have the Sternum

Which connects all your Ribs

Here’s the Pelvis it’s your midsection

which gives you your hips

Connected to your Pelvis is the 

biggest bone in the body

It’s called the Femur and it is also 

the strongest bone you’ll see

Right below are the Tibia and the Fibula

on you

They work together to hold your feet on

your body this is true 

Let's not forget that Humerus 

Bone on the upper arm

It’s attached to the Radius and Ulna

that form your forearm 

Your hand is made up of about

27 bones

We’ll focus on those in another one of my 

songs catchy tones

Hello I’m your skeleton 

as you can plainly see

Here are some of the 206 bones 

in the human body    

Let's move to the Posterior

or the back side of you

The first thing you’ll notice is the 

Spinal Column I'll break that down too

The Cervical Vertebrae 

also known as your neck

Is made up of 7 bones

to help keep your head in check

Then the Thoracic Vertebrae 

Is made up of 12 bones

It’s the longest stretch of your 

the spinal column that is shown

Then there's the Lumbar Vertebrae

on your lower back

It’s an arch and a very 

important bony stack

Onto your Sacrum, it's attached

to your Pelvis

Then the spine ends with the fusion of bones 

called the Coccyx 

Please take care of your bones 

and keep them healthy and strong

They give you the structure in your life 

to help you live really long

Hello I’m your skeleton 

as you can plainly see

Here are some of the 206 bones 

in the human body

From Molecules to Organisms