Want to be featured longer?

For shows have already been featured once, if you want to be featured again or for longer time, no review is needed, but there are things you need to do to provide resources in exchange.

  • Shout out: endorse Castbox as the main player to listen to your show in one episode or all future episodes. 

Note that each episode needs to have at least 100 downloads according to previous performance. You get one more week of feature slot for shout out in one episode, and one week of feature slot each month as long as you continue doing shout out in future episodes. Please send us the snippet or link to the that episode(s) and the time stamp when the shout out takes place at podcaster@castbox.fm .

  • Make comments and posts: interact with your fans by writing/replying to comments and posts within the Castbox app (use a hashtag). Encourage yours fans to write comments and posts under your channel/in the community tab. 

For every twenty new comments/posts generated (by fans or by the official account), you get one more week of feature slot. The upper limit is two months. Please take screenshots of the number of comments/posts before and after the new comments and send to podcaster@castbox.fm .