1. For Listeners

You can find ongoing Livecasts on the Discover homepage - just tap to join. Engage in a chatroom by commenting, calling in, and sending virtual gifts.

Call-In Feature

You can request by tapping the green phone button at the bottom of the screen.

Virtual Gifts

Log in to purchase Coins and send gifts to hosts: just head to “My Wallet” under the “Personal” tab and select an amount to purchase. Once you’re in a Livecast, tap the gift button, choose a gift, and send.

Following Shows

Follow the host to be notified of future Livecasts. You can opt out of alerts by tapping the alarm bell icon.

The easiest way to access recorded Livecast sessions is to search for the host or show name.

On Android, tap on the host's name to get to his profile page, which contains Replays and displays a list of upcoming Livecast shows.

Feel free to contact livecast@castbox.fm for more information.