Morning Meeting is Live on Zoom at 9:30. Link is on Clever and weekly schedule.

Center Time Activities for this week!

Choose any of these activities or stories for center time!

Choose two activties each day and record them on the Centers page click here

Centers: Building and Playing and Assignments

Drawing Assignment 4!

Self Portrait: Find some paper and drawing utensils: pencils, colored pencils or crayons.

Draw a picture of yourself. It might help to use a mirror or a photo of yourself to notice the shape of your face and other features like your nose, mouth, eyes, hair, and ears. You can also use Beautiful Stuff to make a self portrait, using these examples for ideas.

Science: Blustery Day Leaf Exploration

Blustery Day Leaf Exploration:

Exploration of leaves in the Arboretum, leaf rubbing, and a song!


Building a Room

Find some materials from your Beautiful Stuff collection that you can build with. [Show examples such as cups, small boxes, LEGOs, etc.]

Use these materials, or building toys, to build a room from inside your home, for example, a bedroom, kitchen, or living room.

Drama & Storytelling

Pretending Home and School

Today, pretend how people work at school or at home. For example, you could be a teacher reading a book to children or you could be a family member preparing food or going to work. Find some props you could use (a sponge for cleaning, a book to read, some pots to pretend cooking). Choose one role to play.


I Spy Shapes

Look around your room, your home, or outside for different shapes such as triangles, rectangles, circles, and squares. You can draw or take a picture of the shapes you see.


Breathing Practice

Learn and practice Square Breathing

Practice Square Breathing.


Sorting Beautiful Stuff

You spent last week collecting various kinds of Beautiful Stuff, like bottle caps, plastic containers, plastic spoons, yarn, sticks, pebbles, and you gathered them in your box. Today you can start to sort these materials in different ways. Begin by dumping your materials somewhere on a flat surface: a table, a tray, or even the floor. Decide how to sort them: by color, shape, what they are made of (plastic, wood, metal). Choose one way to sort them and see how many you have in each category, for example, 4 circles and 5 squares, or 7 made of plastic and 2 made of wood.

Outside Time

Collecting Items from Nature

Bring a bag or box outside and collect items from nature to add to your Beautiful Stuff collection.

Tell someone about the items you collected.

How many did you find?

Where did you find them?


Listen to these books, or ask a family member to read them to you. You can also read a different book by yourself or with a family member. Every day, listen to a book read aloud to you and then talk about the big ideas with an adult.

On Mother's Lap

Ada Twist Scientist

The Tale of Peter Rabbit

The Kissing Hand


Go to our Zoom link for Specials

Group 1 at 11:00 and Group 2 at 11:30



Mr Binko



Ms Allen



Ms Morales



Ms Allen



Ms Allen

Specials Groups

Groups for Specials