November 2 - November 6

Center Time Activities for this week!

Follow daily guide below or choose two activities each day.

Read Alouds

This week's FOCUS story is CORDUROY! Other unit stories are here.

HINT Click on the square in lower right to make video big enough to wath


Sometimes I'm Bombaloo

Oonga Boonga

Peter's Chair


Writing and Drawing

Signs Resource

Making Signs

Required SeeSaw Assignment

Last week we talked about how signs are a way of giving people information Signs can be pictures, words, or both pictures and words. Today in Writing and Drawing, you can make signs with paper, crayons, writing utensils, and sticks, or other materials from your Beautiful Stuff collection.

Visit SeeSaw for the directions For this activity and to post your work!

Library & Listening


Listen to this week's story Corduroy or another story from this Unit

Or Visit the Story Links in Quiet Time Resources for other stories

Or look at books at your home or read with someone in your family


Science & Sensory

Washing Things

Washing Babies

Required SeeSaw Assignment

One way that families take care of babies is to give them baths and wash their clothes. Using soap, water, and a washcloth or sponge, wash small toys or other objects from your home, such as plastic containers or bottles.

Click on the slide show above to look at some ideas.

Take a photo of yourself washing things and put it on SeeSaw

Visit SeeSaw for the directions For this activity and to post your work!


Reading to dolls and animals

Read Aloud to dolls, toys, family

One way families show they care for each other is by reading stories together. Just like last week, this week in Drama, you can read stories to dolls, stuffed animals, or to someone in your family. You can use the illustrations to help talk about the setting, the characters, and what happens in the story.

Click on the slide show above for some ideas.


Building & Construction

Building a Department Store

Required SeeSaw Assignment

Watch the video above for directions!

Corduroy lived in the toy section of a department store, a big store with many floors

Using empty boxes and containers, or building toys, you can make your own department store. If you’d like, you can add signs that you’ve made in Drawing and Writing.

Go to SeeSaw to post a photo (not a video)

Visit SeeSaw for the directions For this activity and to post a photo of your work!


Snake Breath

Snake Breath

Look and Listen above to learn about Snake Breath. To see the card with no voice click here.



Making Piggy Banks

Watch video for directions

Post photo on SeeSaw

In Corduroy, Lisa saved up her money in a piggy bank and used it to buy Corduroy This week, you can use an empty box or container to make your own piggy bank. You can decorate your piggy bank with paper or other items from your Beautiful Stuff collection.

Click here for ideas

Required SeeSaw Assignment

Visit SeeSaw for the directions For this activity and to post a photo of your work!

Library & Listening

Keep Reading



Shape Sort

Required SeeSaw Assignment

Do this Activity on SeeSaw and post your your work there!

Outside Time

Shape Hunt

Hunt for shapes when you are outside this week. See how many different shapes you can find.

Quiet Time Resources

Supplemental Activities (for when you have extra time!)

Fall Fall One Book.pdf

Printable Book

Fall, Fall What Do You See?

Print, double sided, cut, and staple into two books.


Coloring Pages

Pumpin, Pumpkins coloring pages

PBS Kids: Daniel Tiger

Daniel Tiger: Visit to a Pumpkin Patch and "Stop, Think, and Choose" eisode about making choices and voting.